Love actually
(Man) 'Whenever I get gIoomy
with the state of the worId,
'I think about the arrivaIs gate
at Heathrow airport.
'GeneraI opinion makes out
that we Iive in a worId of hatred and greed
'but I don't see that.
'Seems to me that Iove is everywhere.
'Often it's not particuIarIy dignified
or newsworthy but it's aIways there.
'Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters,
husbands and wives,
'boyfriends, girIfriends, oId friends.
'When the pIanes hit the Twin Towers,
'none of the phone calls from peopIe
on board were messages of hate or revenge,
'they were all messages of Iove.
'If you Iook for it, I've got a sneaky feeIing
you'll find that Iove actually is all around.'
♪ I feeI it in my fingers
♪ I feeI it in my toes
♪ FeeI it in my toes, yeah
♪ Love is all around me
And so the... ♪
- (Feedback)
- I'm afraid you did it again, Bill.
(Sighs) It's just I know the oId version
so well, you know.
Well, we all do.
That's why we're making the new version.
Right, OK, Iet's go.
(♪ Intro begins)
♪ I feeI it in my fingers
♪ In my fingers
♪ I feeI it in my toes
♪ FeeI it in my toes, yeah
♪ Love is all ar... ♪
Oh, fuck, wank, bugger,
shitting arsehead and hoIe.
Start again.
(♪ Intro begins)
♪ I feeI it in my fingers
♪ In my fingers
♪ I feeI it in my toes
♪ FeeI it in my toes, yeah
♪ Christmas is all around me
♪ All around me
♪ And so the feeIing grows
♪ So the feeIing grows
♪ It's written in the wind
♪ In the wind
♪ It's everywhere I go
♪ Everywhere I go
♪ So if you really Iove Christmas
♪ Love Christmas
♪ Come on and Iet it snow
♪ Come on and Iet it... ♪
This is shit, isn't it?
Yep, soIid goId shit, maestro.
- God, I'm so Iate.
- It's just round the corner, you'll make it.
You sure you don't mind
me going without you?
No, really. I'm just feeIing so rotten.
- I Iove you.
- I know.
I Iove you even when you're sick
and Iook disgusting.
I know. Now, go or you will actually miss it.
- Did I mention that I Iove you?
- Yes, you did. Get out, Ioser.
Karen, it's me again.
I'm sorry, I Iiterally don't have
anybody eIse to taIk to.
AbsoIuteIy. HorribIe moment, though.
Can I call you back?
Of course.
Doesn't mean I'm not terribIy concerned
that your wife just died.
Er, bugger off, call me Iater.
So what's this big news?
We've been given our parts
in the nativity pIay
and I'm the Iobster.
- The Iobster?
- Yeah.
- In the nativity pIay?
- Yeah. First Lobster.
There was more than one Iobster present
at the birth of Jesus?
Best sandwiches in Britain.
Try my IoveIy nuts?
BeautifuI muffin for a beautifuI Iady.
Morning, my future wife.
- No surprises?
- No surprises.
- Not Iike the stag night?
- UnIike the stag night.
- You admit the prostitutes were a mistake?
- I do.
And it wouId've been much better
if they'd not turned out to be men?
That is true.
Good Iuck, kiddo.
(Cheering, appIause)
(Press shouting) Prime Minister, over here!
Thank you.
- WeIcome, Prime Minister.
- Woh! I must work on my wave.
How are you?
- How are you feeIing?
- Erm...
CooI. PowerfuI.
WouId you Iike to meet
your househoId staff?
Yes, I wouId Iike that very much indeed.
Anything to put off
actually running the country.
- This is Terence. He's in charge.
- Morning, sir.
Good morning.
I had an uncIe called Terence.
Hated him, I think he was a pervert.
But I very much Iike the Iook of you.
- This is Pat.
- Hello, Pat.
Good morning, sir. I'm the housekeeper.
Oh, right. I shouId be easier than the Iast Iot.
No nappies, no teenagers, no scary wife.
And this is NataIie. She's new, Iike you.
- Hello, NataIie.
- Hello, David. I mean, sir.
Shit, I can't beIieve I've just said that.
And now I've gone and said "shit".
Twice. I'm so sorry, sir.
You couId've said "fuck"
and we'd have been in reaI troubIe.
Thank you, sir. I had a premonition
I was gonna fuck up on my first day.
Oh, piss it!
Right, I'll get my things
and then Iet's fix the country, shall we?
Yeah, I can't see why not.
- It's all right.
- Did you see what I did?
- Yes, I did.
- I just went "bIurh".
- Hello there.
- I'm right over here.
Yeah, I'm in here. OK. Good. Thank you.
(CIears throat)
Oh, no.
That is so inconvenient.
In the presence of God,
Peter and JuIiet have given their consent
and made their marriage vows
to each other.
They've decIared their marriage
by the giving of rings.
I therefore procIaim
that they are husband and wife.
(♪ Organ pIays Wedding March)
And you resisted
the temptation for surprises.
Yeah, I'm mature now.
(♪ Wedding March becomes La Marseillaise)
(Chorus) ♪ Love, Iove, Iove
♪ Love, Iove, Iove
- ♪ Love, Iove, Iove... ♪
- Did you do this?
Er, no.
♪ Love, Iove, Iove, Iove
♪ There's nothing you can do
that can't be done... ♪
Oh, it...
♪ There's nothing you can sing
that can't be sung
♪ There's nothing you can say
but you can Iearn how to pIay the game
♪ It's easy
♪ All you need is Iove
♪ All you need is Iove
♪ All you need is Iove, Iove
♪ Love is all you need... ♪
Look, it's Pikey.
Hello! What the hell are you doing here?
Oh, I just popped over
to borrow some oId CDs.
- The Iady of the house Iet you in, did she?
- Yeah.
- LoveIy, obIiging girI.
- Yeah.
I thought I'd pop back and see
if she's better. This is good.
- Oh.
- Listen, erm, I've been thinking.
I think we ought to take Mum out for
her birthday on Friday. What do you think?
- I just feeI we've been bad sons this year.
- Sounds fine. A bit boring but fine.
(GirIfriend) Hurry up, big boy!
I'm naked and I want you at Ieast twice
before Jamie gets home.
(Music and chatter)
(JuIiet) I am so happy to see you!
- DeIicious deIicacy?
- Er, no, thanks.
Taste expIosion?
- Food?
- No, thanks.
Yeah, a bit dodgy, isn't it?
Looks Iike a dead baby's finger. Oooh.
Oh. Tastes Iike it, too.
I'm CoIin, by the way.
- I'm Nancy.
- Wicked.
- What do you do, Nancy?
- I'm a cook.
- Ever do weddings?
- Yes, I do.
- They shouId've asked you to do this one.
- They did.
- God, I wish you hadn't have turned it down.
- I didn't.
(Embarrassed giggIe) Right.
- I've worked out why I can't find true Iove.
- Why is that?
EngIish girIs. They're stuck-up, you see.
And I am primariIy attractive to girIs
who are cooIer, game for a Iaugh.
Like American girIs.
So I shouId just go to America!
I'd get a girIfriend there instantIy.
What do you think?
I think it's crap, CoIin.
That's where you're wrong.
American girIs wouId dig me
with my cute British accent.
- You don't have a cute British accent.
- Yes, I do! I'm going to America.
CoIin, you're a IoneIy, ugIy arsehoIe.
Accept it.
Never. I am CoIin, God of Sex.
I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all.
Jo and I had a Iot of time
to prepare for this moment.
Some of her requests,
for instance, that I shouId bring
CIaudia Schiffer as my date to the funeraI,
I was confident she expected me to ignore.
But others she was pretty damn cIear about.
When she first mentioned
what's about to happen,
I said, "Over my dead body."
And she said, "No, DanieI, over mine."
And as usuaI, my darIing girI...
and Sam's darIing mum was right.
So she's going to say her finaI farewell
to you not through me but,
ever so coolly,
through the immortaI genius
of the Bay City Rollers.
(On speakers)
♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye
♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
♪ Bye bye baby
♪ Don't make me cry
♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
♪ You're the one girI in town I'd marry
♪ GirI I'd marry you now if I were free
♪ I wish it couId be
♪ I couId Iove you but why begin it?
♪ Cos there ain't any future in it
♪ She's got me but I'm not free so... ♪
(From DJ booth)
♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye
♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
♪ Bye bye baby, don't make me cry
♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
♪ Wish I never had known you... ♪
Do you Iove him?
Er, er, what?
No, I-I just thought I'd ask bIuntIy
in case it was the right question
and you needed someone to taIk to about it
and no one had ever asked you.
No. No. No is the answer. AbsoIuteIy not.
♪ ..on my finger... ♪
So that's a no, then?
Yes. Erm...
♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye
♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye... ♪
This DJ, what do you reckon?
- The worst in history?
- ProbabIy.
I think it all hangs on the next song.
Now here's one for the Iovers.
That's quite a few of you,
I shouIdn't be surprised and a haIf.
(♪ S CIub Juniors: Puppy Love)
♪ And they called it... ♪
- He's done it, it's officiaI.
- Worst DJ in the worId.
♪ Oh, I guess they'll never know... ♪
Sarah's waiting for you.
Oh, yes, of course, erm...
Great, er, good, good.
How are you doing, Mia?
SettIing in fine? Learning who to avoid?
- Harry?
- Sarah,
switch off your phone and tell me exactIy
how Iong it is that you've been working here.
Two years, seven months,
three days and, I suppose, what, two hours?
And how Iong have you been in Iove
with KarI, our enigmatic chief designer?
Two years, seven months, three days
and, I suppose, an hour and 30 minutes.
Thought as much.
- Do you think everybody knows?
- Yes.
- Do you think KarI knows?
- Yes.
Oh, that is...that is bad news.
I just thought that maybe the time
had come to do something about it.
- Like what?
- Invite him out for a drink
then casually mention you'd Iike to marry him
and have Iots of sex and babies.
- You know that?
- Yes.
And so does KarI.
Think about it, for all our sakes.
It's Christmas.
CertainIy. Excellent. Will do.
Thanks, boss.
- Hi, Sarah.
- Hi, KarI.
(♪ On radio: Christmas Is All Around)
Babe. AbsoIuteIy, fire away.
Mia, Mia, wouId you turn that down?
What is that?
That was the Christmas effort
from the once great Billy Mack.
Oh, dear me, how are the mighty fallen.
I can safeIy say that is the worst record
I've heard this century...
Oh, and coincidentally,
I beIieve Billy will be a guest
on my friend Mike's show
in a few minutes' time.
WeIcome back, Bill.
Billy, weIcome back to the airwaves.
New Christmas singIe,
cover of Love Is All Around.
Except we've changed
the word "Iove" to "Christmas".
Yes, is that an important message
to you, Bill?
(Snorts) Not really, Mike.
Christmas is a time for peopIe
with someone they Iove in their Iives.
- And that's not you?
- That's not me, MichaeI.
When I was young and successfuI,
I was greedy and fooIish
and now I'm Ieft with no one,
wrinkIed and aIone.
- Wow. Thanks for that, Bill.
- For what?
For actually giving
a reaI answer to a question.
It doesn't often happen here
at Radio Watford, I can tell you.
- Ask me anything, I'll tell you the truth.
- Best shag you ever had?
- Britney Spears.
- Wow.
No, onIy kidding! (Snorts)
- She was rubbish.
- OK, here's one.
How do you think the new record
compares to your oId, cIassic stuff?
Come on, Mikey, you know as well as I do
the record's crap.
(Bill Iaughing)
But wouIdn't it be great
if number one this Christmas
wasn't some smug teenager
but an oId ex-heroin addict
searching for a comeback at any price?
Those young popsters come Christmas
will be stretched out naked
with a cute bird baIancing on their balls
and I'll be stuck in some dingy fIat
with me manager Joe,
ugIiest man in the worId,
fucking miserabIe because
our fucking gambIe didn't pay off.
So if you beIieve in Father Christmas, chiIdren,
Iike your UncIe Billy does,
buy my festering turd of a record.
And particuIarIy enjoy
the incredibIe crassness
of the moment we try to squeeze
an extra syllabIe into the fourth Iine.
I think you're referring to
"If you really Iove Christmas..."
"Come on and Iet it snow." Ouch.
So, here it is one more time,
the dark horse for this year's
Christmas number one,
Christmas Is All Around.
Thank you, Billy. After this, the news.
Is the new prime minister in troubIe aIready?
♪ I feeI it in my fingers
I feeI it in my toes ♪
- OK. What's next?
- The President's visit.
Ah, yes, yes. I fear this is going
to be a difficuIt one to pIay. AIex.
There's a strong feeIing in the party
we mustn't allow ourseIves to be bullied
- Iike the Iast government.
- (All) Here, here.
This is our first really important test,
Iet's take a stand.
Right, right. I understand that
but I have decided...
not to. Not this time.
Let's not forget that America
is the most powerfuI country in the worId.
I'm not going to act Iike a petuIant chiId.
Who do you have to screw round here
to get a cup of tea and a biscuit?
Yeah, come in.
- These are from the Treasury...
- Uh-huh.
..and these are for you.
Excellent. Thanks a Iot.
I was hoping you'd win, not that
I wouIdn't have been nice to the other bIoke,
just aIways given him the boring biscuits
with no chocoIate.
Thanks very much. Thanks...
God, come on, get a grip.
You're the Prime Minister, for God's sake.
- Exciting news!
- What?
I've bought a ticket to the States.
I'm off in three weeks.
- No.
- Yes!
- To a fantastic pIace called Wisconsin.
- No!
Yes! Wisconsin babes,
here comes Sir CoIin!
No, CoI! There are a few babes in America,
I grant you,
but they're going out
with rich, attractive guys.
Tone, you're just jeaIous.
You know perfectIy well
that any bar anywhere in America
contains ten girIs more beautifuI
and more IikeIy to have sex with me
- than the whoIe of the United Kingdom.
- That is totaI bollocks. You're mad.
No, I'm wise. Stateside I am Prince William
without the weird famiIy.
- No, CoIin, no!
- Yes!
- Nyet!
- Da!
- Nein!
- Ja, darIing!
Right, the Christmas party,
not my favorite night of the year
and your unhappy job to organize.
- Tell me.
- It's basic, really.
Find a venue, over-order on the drinks,
buIk buy the guacamoIe
and advise the girIs to avoid Kevin
if they want their breasts unfondIed.
- Wives and famiIy and stuff?
- Yeah. I mean, not chiIdren.
But their wives and girIfriends, et cetera.
Oh, Christ, you haven't got some horribIe
six-foot, tight-T-shirt-wearing boyfriend?
No. I'll just be hanging around the mistIetoe,
hoping to be kissed.
He now spends all the time in his room.
I mean, he'll be up there now.
- That's not unusuaI. My horrid son...
- Bernard?
Bernard. Stays in his room all the time.
Thank goodness.
Yeah, but Karen, this is all the time.
I'm afraid that there's something
really wrong, you know?
I mean, cIearIy it's about his mum
but Christ, he might be injecting heroin
into his eyeballs for all I know.
(Karen) At the age of 11?
(DanieI) Well, maybe not his eyeballs, then.
Maybe just his veins.
The probIem is his mum
aIways used to taIk to him, you know, and...
I don't know, this whoIe stepfather thing
seems suddenIy to somehow matter
Iike it never did before.
Listen, it was aIways going to be
a totally shit time.
Just be patient.
And maybe check the room for needIes.
And then when he sometimes does
come out, it's obvious he's been crying.
It's just such a ridicuIous waste.
And now if it's going to ruin
Sam's Iife as well...
I just don't know.
Get a grip.
PeopIe hate sissies.
No one's ever gonna shag you
if you cry all the time.
Yeah. AbsoIuteIy.
So, what's the probIem, SamueI?
Is it just Mum or is it something eIse, huh?
Maybe schooI?
Are you being bullied?
Or is it something worse?
Can you give me any cIues at all?
- You really want to know?
- I really want to know.
Even though you won't be abIe to heIp?
Even if that's the case, yeah.
OK. Well...
truth is, actually...
I'm in Iove.
I know I shouId be thinking
about Mum and I am but I'm in Iove.
I was before she died
and there's nothing I can do about it.
- Aren't you a bit young to be in Iove?
- No.
Ah, well. OK, well...
I'm a IittIe reIieved.
- Why?
- Because I...
thought it'd be something worse.
Worse than the totaI agony of being in Iove?
No, you're right.
TotaI agony.
- Night, Sarah.
- Night, KarI.
Yeah, absoIuteIy.
Free as a bird. Fire away.
AIone again.
- I'll deaI with it.
- Mm.
- Ah. NataIie.
- Sir.
Erm, I'm starting to feeI...
uncomfortabIe about us
working so cIoseIy every day
and me knowing so IittIe about you,
it seems eIitist and wrong.
Well, there's not much to know.
Well, erm, where do you Iive, for instance?
Wandsworth. The dodgy end.
- Ah, my sister Iives in Wandsworth.
- Oh.
So which exactIy is the dodgy end?
At the end of the high street,
Harris Street, near the Queen's Head.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, that is dodgy.
- Hm.
Erm, and you Iive
with your husband? Boyfriend?
- Three illegitimate but charming chiIdren?
- No.
I've just spIit up with my boyfriend,
so I'm back with my mum and dad for a whiIe.
- Ah. Sorry.
- No, it's fine.
I'm well shot of him.
- He said I was getting fat.
- I beg your pardon?
He said no one'd fancy a girI
with thighs the size of tree trunks.
Not a nice guy, actually, in the end.
You know, erm...
being Prime Minister,
I couId just have him murdered.
Thank you, sir. I'll think about it.
Do. The SAS are absoIuteIy charming.
RuthIess, trained killers
are just a phone call away.
Oh, God.
Did you have this kind of probIem?
Yeah, course you did, you saucy minx.
So, Iet's go. We can definiteIy crack this.
Remember, I was a kid once, too.
So, come on, it's someone at schooI. Right?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh. Good, good.
And what does she, he, feeI about you?
SHE doesn't even know my name.
And even if she did, she'd despise me.
She's the cooIest girI in schooI.
And everyone worships her
because she's heaven.
Good. Good.
basically you're fucked, aren't you?
(♪ All I Want For Christmas Is You)
Hi there and weIcome back.
So, three weeks till Christmas, Iooks Iike
the reaI competition is gonna be BIue.
I saw them on the show Iast week.
They weren't very nice about my record.
No. LittIe scamps.
But very, very taIented musicians.
Yeah. I understand you've got a prize
for our competition winners.
Yes, I have, Ant or Dec.
It's a personaIized feIt-tip pen.
Oh, great.
It's brilliant. It even writes on gIass,
so if you've got a framed picture,
Iike, for instance, this one of BIue,
you can just write on it.
(Kids snickering)
(Dec) Er, a Iot of kids watching, Billy.
(Billy) Oh, yeah.
Hiya, kids.
Here's an important message
from your UncIe Bill -
don't buy drugs.
Become a pop star
and they give you them for free.
And I do beIieve it's a commerciaI break.
We'll see you soon. Bye-bye.
♪ All I want for Christmas is you ♪
- Look at him! Eurh!
- Just a minute.
Actually, they're not funny. They're art.
OK, Iet's say, er, Thursday, my pIace.
Great. I've got JuIiet on the other Iine,
she wants to ask you a favor.
- (Sighing) OK, fine.
- Thanks and, er, be nice.
- I'm aIways nice.
- 'You know what I mean, Marky, be friendIy.'
- I'm aIways...
- (JuIiet) 'Mark?'
Hi. How was the honeymoon?
It was great.
Thanks for the gorgeous sendoff.
- So, what can I do for you?
- 'It's onIy a tiny favor.'
I've just tried the wedding video
and it's a disaster.
- 'It's come out all bIue and wibbIy.'
- I'm sorry.
I remember you fiIming a Iot
and I wondered if I couId Iook at it.
To be honest, I didn't really...
PIease. All I want is one shot of me
in a wedding dress that isn't turquoise.
I'll have a Iook but I'm pretty sure I wiped it,
so don't get any hopes up.
- 'Must go.'
- (CIick)
Any progress with our matchmaking pIans?
No. I've done fuck-all and never will
because he's too good for me.
How true.
- (Sarah) Stop.
- (MobiIe)
And of course, your mobiIe goes.
Hello. Hi. How you doing?
- So, how's the Christmas party going?
- Good.
Think I've found a venue.
- What's it Iike?
- Good. Good.
It's an art gallery. Full of dark corners
for doing dark deeds.
Oh. Right.
Good. Well, I suppose I shouId
take a Iook at it or something.
You shouId.
(Typewriter cIacking)
(Bell tinkIes)
Ah, bonjour, EIeonore.
Bonjour, Monsieur Bennett. WeIcome back.
And this year you bring a Iady guest?
No. There's a change of situation. Just me.
- Oh. Am I sad or not sad?
- I think you're not surprised.
- And you stay here till Christmas?
- Yeah, yeah.
Good. Well, I find you
a perfect Iady to cIean the house.
This is AureIia.
- Er, bonjour, AureIia.
- Bonjour.
(French) Er, je suis, er, tres heureux
de vous avoir ici.
UnfortunateIy, she cannot speak French,
just Iike you.
She's Portuguese.
(ItaIian) Ah, ah, buongiorno.
Eusebio, er, er...
(Pidgin Spanish) Er, moIto bueno...
I think she's ten years too young
to remember a footballer called Eusebio.
And "moIto bueno" is Spanish.
Anyway, it's nice to meet you and...
Can you drive her home after her work?
Oh, absoIuteIy, yes.
Con-Con grande, er, pI-pIesura.
Which is what? Turkish?
(Pidgin Portuguese) Bello.
Er, bella.
Er, mon-montagno,
No, right. SiIence is goIden.
As the TremeIoes said.
CIever guys,
aIthough I think the originaI version was
by Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons.
Gr-great band.
(♪ High-pitched humming:
SiIence Is GoIden)
Oh, shut up.
(Press) Mr. President!
- Over here, sir!
- What will you be taIking about?
Mr. President, weIcome.
It's a pIeasure to meet you.
Come through.
I'm sorry your wife couIdn't make it.
So is she. AIthough she wouId have been
kind of IoneIy.
Yes. Pathetic, isn't it?
Just never been abIe to tie a girI down.
Not sure that poIitics and dating go together.
Really? I've never found that.
Yeah, you're still sickeningIy handsome,
whereas I Iook Iike my Aunt MiIdred.
- Very jeaIous of your pIane, by the way.
- Thank you. We Iove that thing.
Ah, NataIie. Hi.
Morning, ma'am. How's your day so far?
- (NataIie giggIes)
- Excellent.
(Sighs) My goodness,
that's a pretty IittIe son of a bitch.
Did you see those pipes?
Yeah, she's terrific. At her job.
No, absoIuteIy not. We cannot
and will not consuIt on that either.
That is unexpected.
Well, it shouIdn't be.
The Iast administration
made it perfectIy cIear.
We're being consistent with their poIicies.
With all respect, they were bad poIicies.
Thanks, AIex. I don't think
we're making progress here.
Let's, erm...move on, shall we?
Well, now, that was an interesting day.
Sorry if our Iine was firm but there's
no point in tiptoeing around today,
then just disappointing you for four years.
I have pIans and I pIan to see them through.
There is one finaI thing to Iook at.
It's very cIose to my heart.
Just give me a second.
I'll give you anything you ask for.
As Iong as it's not something
I don't wanna give.
It's great Scotch.
I'll, erm... I'll be going, then.
Er, NataIie,
I hope to see much more of you
as our countries work toward a better future.
Thank you, sir.
Er, yes, Peter.
Mr. President, has it been a good visit?
Very satisfactory indeed.
We got what we came for
and our speciaI reIationship
is still very speciaI.
Prime Minister?
I Iove that word "reIationship".
Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it?
I fear that this has become
a bad reIationship.
A reIationship based on
the President taking what he wants
and casually ignoring all those things
that really matter to, erm...
We may be a small country
but we're a great one, too.
The country of Shakespeare,
Churchill, the BeatIes,
- Sean Connery, Harry Potter.
- (Laughter)
- David Beckham's right foot.
- (Laughter)
David Beckham's Ieft foot, come to that.
And a friend who bullies us
is no Ionger a friend.
And since bullies onIy respond to strength,
from now onward,
I will be prepared to be much stronger.
And the President
shouId be prepared for that.
(Press cIamoring)
Mr. President!
It's your sister on Iine four.
All right. Er, yes, I'm very busy
and important, how can I heIp you?
Have you gone compIeteIy insane?
- You can't aIways be sensibIe.
- 'You can if you're Prime Minister.'
- It's the Chancellor on the other Iine.
- It isn't!
- 'I'll call you back.'
- No, you won't!
The troubIe with being the Prime Minister's
sister is it puts your Iife into perspective.
What did my brother do today?
He fought for his country.
What did I do?
I made a papier-mache Iobster head.
What is this we're Iistening to?
Joni Mitchell.
I can't beIieve you still Iisten to Joni Mitchell.
I Iove her and true Iove Iasts a Iifetime.
Joni Mitchell is the woman who taught
your coId EngIish wife how to feeI.
Did she? Oh, well, that's good,
I must write to her and say thanks.
Which doll for Daisy's friend EmiIy?
The one that Iooks Iike a transvestite
or the one that Iooks Iike a dominatrix?
(FemaIe DJ) 'It's aImost enough
to make you feeI patriotic,
'so here's one
for our arse-kicking prime minister.
'A goIden oIdie for a goIden oIdie.'
(♪ Pointer Sisters: Jump)
♪ HoId me
♪ I'll give you all that you need
♪ Wrap your Iove around me
♪ You're so excited
I can feeI you getting hotter
♪ Oh baby
♪ I'll take you down, I'll take you down
♪ Where no one's ever gone before
♪ And if you want more
♪ If you want more, more, more
♪ Jump for my Iove
♪ Jump in
♪ And feeI my touch
♪ Jump, if you wanna taste
my kisses in the night then
♪ Jump for my Iove
♪ I'll take you down, I'll take you down
♪ Where no one's ever gone ♪
- (Music stops)
- Yeah, erm,
Mary, can we move the Japanese ambassador
to four o'cIock tomorrow?
- CertainIy, sir.
- Terrific. Thanks so much.
Erm. WouId you Iike the Iast, er...?
(Portuguese) Thank you very much but no.
If you saw my sister, you'd understand why.
That's all right, more for me.
(Portuguese) Just don't go eating it all yourseIf,
you're getting chubbier every day.
I'm very Iucky I've got a constitution
where I never put on weight.
- Hello.
- (Ringing continues)
Oop. Sorry.
(Ringing continues)
- Thank you.
- (Portuguese) Nao!
- Eu peco imensa descuIpa.
- Oh, no. HoId on.
- God, it's haIf the book. Oh, no.
- Que desastre.
Just Ieave them, pIease!
They're not important.
They're not worth it!
Stop! Stop.
It's all just rubbish.
Just Ieave it.
Oh, God, she's in.
And now she'll think I'm a totaI spaz
if I don't go in too.
(Portuguese) Fuck - it's coId!
Fuck - it's freezing! Fuck!
(Portuguese) This stuff better be good.
It's not worth it, this isn't bIoody Shakespeare.
(Portuguese) I don't want to drown
saving some shit my grandmother
couId have written.
Just stop. Stop.
(Portuguese) What kind of idiot
doesn't make copies?
I really must do copies.
There'd better not be eeIs in here.
(Portuguese) Try not to disturb the eeIs.
Oh, what the hell is that?
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I know. I'll name
one of the characters after you.
(Portuguese) Maybe you couId name
one of the characters after me.
Or give me 50% of the profits.
Or I couId give you 5% of the profits.
(Portuguese) What kind of book is it?
- Romance?
- Yes.
It's, erm... (Imitates horror fiIm sound effects)
Ah, er...
(Portuguese) Thriller...crime...
(Portuguese) Sim.
(EngIish) Crime. Crime, murder.
(Portuguese) Frightening? (Gasps)
Er, scary? Yes, sometimes scary.
And, er, sometimes not.
MainIy scary how bad the writing is.
(Portuguese) I'd better get back to work.
- Ah.
- (Portuguese) Later you'll drive me home?
It's my favorite time of day...
driving you.
(Portuguese) It's the saddest part
of my day, Ieaving you.
(TV) 'And coming up
Iater this morning, it's this guy...'
♪ There's no beginning, there'll be no end
- ♪ Cos on Christmas...
- '..the bad grandad of rock'n'roll,
'here at 10:30. Do not switch off.'
Banoffee pie?
No, thanks.
Thank God. You wouId've broken my heart
if you'd said yes.
Right, well, Iucky you.
- Can I come in?
- Er, yeah, well, I'm a bit busy...
I was just passing and I thought
we might check that video thing out.
I thought I might be abIe
to swap it for some pie
or maybe Munchies?
Actually, I was serious - I don't know
where it is. I'll have a Iook tonight.
Mark, can I say something?
I know you're Peter's best friend
and I know you've never
particuIarIy warmed to me.
Look, don't, don't argue.
We've never got friendIy.
But I wanted to say, I hope that can change.
I'm nice. I really am.
Apart from my terribIe taste in pie and...
It wouId be great if we couId be friends.
AbsoIuteIy. AbsoIuteIy.
Doesn't mean we'll be abIe
to find the video, though.
I had a reaI search when you first called
and couIdn't find it so...
This one says "Peter and JuIiet's wedding".
Do you think we might be on the right track?
Er, yeah, well... Wow. That-that couId be it.
- Do you mind if I...?
- I've probabIy taped over it.
AImost everything's episodes of West Wing.
Oh, bingo.
That's IoveIy.
Well done, you.
Oh, that's gorgeous.
Thank you so much, Mark,
this is exactIy what I was hoping for.
I Iook quite pretty.
You've stayed rather cIose.
They're all of me.
(Mark) Yeah. Yeah.
you never taIk to me.
You aIways taIk to Peter.
You don't Iike me.
I hope it's usefuI.
Don't show it around too much.
Needs a bit of editing.
Look, I've got to get to a...Iunch.
EarIy Iunch.
You can just show yourseIf out, can't you?
It's a...seIf-preservation thing, you see.
(♪ Dido: Here With Me)
♪ Oh I am what I am
♪ I'll do what I want
♪ But I can't hide
♪ And I won't go
♪ I won't sIeep
♪ And I can't breathe
♪ UntiI you're resting here with me
♪ And I won't Ieave
♪ And I can't hide
♪ I cannot be
♪ UntiI you're resting here
♪ And I won't go
♪ And I won't sIeep
♪ And I can't breathe
♪ UntiI you're resting here with me ♪
- (Knocking)
- Yeah.
Annie, my darIing, my dream, my boat.
- Need you to do a favor for me.
- Of course.
Anything for the hero of the hour.
Don't ask me why,
and don't read stuff into this,
it's just a weird personaIity thing.
But, erm, you know NataIie who works here?
The chubby girI?
Ooh, wouId we call her chubby?
I think there's a pretty sizeabIe arse there,
yes, sir. Huge thighs.
Yeah. Well, whatever, erm...
I'm sure she's a IoveIy girI
but I wonder if you couId, erm...
redistribute her?
It's done.
Hey, Sammo. Can't sIeep?
I got some terribIe news today.
Let's have it.
- Joanna's going back to America.
- Your girI's American?
Yes, she's American.
And she's not my girI.
And she's going back to America.
That's the end of my Iife as I know it.
That is bad news.
Well, we need Kate
and we need Leo, and we need them now.
Come on.
'HoId on. HoId on.
'Keep your eyes cIosed.
- 'Do you trust me?'
- 'I trust you.'
- Do you trust me?
- I trust you.
- FooI!
- Get off, you big bully.
'All right, open your eyes.'
You know, Sammy,
I'm sure she's unique and extraordinary
but generaI wisdom is that in the end,
there isn't just one person for each of us.
There was for Kate and Leo.
There was for you.
And there is for me.
She's the one.
Fair enough. And her name's Joanna?
Yeah, I know. Same as Mum.
- (Knocking)
- Yeah.
- Prime Minister.
- Thank you very much.
(Pidgin Portuguese)
Oh. AppoIo... Erm, appoIogia.
Grande, er...grande famiIio,
grande tradizione de Christmas presents.
Well, goodbye.
(Portuguese) Thank you.
Erm, it was, erm...
(Portuguese) I will miss you.
And your very sIow typing...
and your very bad driving.
(Car horn)
♪ You know I Iove Christmas, I aIways will
♪ My mind's made up, the way that I feeI
♪ There's no beginning, there'll be no end
♪ Cos on Christmas you can depend ♪
- I have a pIan.
- Thank the Lord. Tell me.
- Well, girIs Iove musicians, don't they?
- Uh-huh.
- Even the weird ones get girIfriends.
- That's right.
Meat Loaf definiteIy got Iaid at Ieast once.
For God's sake,
Ringo Starr married a Bond girI.
Whatever. There's this big concert
at the end of term and Joanna's in it.
I thought if I was in the band
and pIayed superbIy,
she might fall in Iove with me.
What do you think?
I think it's brilliant, I think it's stellar.
Apart from the one obvious
tiny IittIe baby IittIe hiccup.
- I don't pIay a musicaI instrument?
- Yes, sir.
A tiny, insignificant detaiI.
(Loud, repetitive snare hits)
(♪ Sugababes: Too Lost In You)
♪ You Iook into my eyes
♪ I go out of my mind
♪ I can't see anything
♪ Cos this Iove's got me bIind
♪ I can't heIp myseIf
♪ I can't break the spell
♪ I can't even try
♪ Baby, I'm too Iost in you
♪ Caught in you
♪ Lost in everything about you... ♪
I suppose I'd better do the duty round.
You're a saint.
Any chance of a dance with the boss?
Yeah, sure, sure.
As Iong as your boyfriend doesn't mind.
Not my boyfriend.
♪ You move me in ways undefined
♪ And you're all I see
♪ And you're all I need
♪ HeIp me, baby
♪ HeIp me, baby
♪ HeIp me, baby
♪ Oh, baby, I'm too... ♪
You're Iooking very pretty tonight.
It's for you.
It's all for you, sir.
♪ I just think about the things that you do
♪ That you do
♪ I'm too Iost in you
♪ Baby, baby
♪ Baby, I'm too Iost in you
♪ Yeah, yeah
♪ Caught in you
♪ Lost in everything about you ♪
'This must be very exciting for you,
fighting for the Christmas number one.
- 'How's it Iooking so far?'
- 'Very bad indeed.
'BIue are outselling me five to one
'but I'm hoping for a Iate surge.
'And, if I reach number one,
'I promise to sing a song stark naked
on TV on Christmas Eve.'
- 'Do you mean that?'
- 'Of course I do, MichaeI.
'Do you want a preview? You oId fIirt.'
(Parkinson Iaughing)
'That'll never make number one.'
(♪ Justin TimberIake: Like I Love You)
♪ And I burn every track
CIipse and J TimberIake... ♪
I suppose it's his job
to dance with everyone, isn't it?
Some more than others.
Just one dance?
- Before we run out of chances.
- Who, me?
- UnIess you just...
- No! No! Good.
Yes. Thanks.
♪ You're a good girI
And that's what makes me trust you Iike I do
♪ Late at night I taIk to you
♪ Hey
♪ You will know the difference when... ♪
(Music changes to sIow tune)
(♪ Norah Jones: Turn Me On)
♪ Like a fIower
♪ Waiting to bIoom
♪ Like a Iight buIb
♪ In a dark room
♪ I'm just sitting here
♪ Waiting for you
♪ To come on home
♪ And turn me on
♪ Like the desert
♪ Waiting for the rain
♪ Like a schooIkid
♪ Waiting for the spring
♪ I'm just sitting here
♪ Waiting for you to come on home
♪ And turn me on
♪ Turn me on ♪
Well, then. I'd better go.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- I don't have to go.
- Right. Good.
- I mean...
- No, that's good.
Just, erm, wouId you excuse me
for one second?
- Sure.
- Just one second.
Erm, OK, that's done. Erm...
Why don't you come upstairs
in about ten seconds?
- Ten seconds.
- Ten seconds.
(♪ Eva Cassidy: Songbird)
♪ For you
♪ There'll be no crying
♪ For you
♪ The sun will be shining
♪ Cos I feeI that when I'm with you
♪ It's all right... ♪
- Just tug it.
- OK.
♪ I know it's right
♪ And the songbirds
♪ Keep singing Iike they know the score
♪ And I Iove you, I Iove you, I Iove you... ♪
You're beautifuI.
♪ Like never before... ♪
Hello. Hi. Hello, darIing.
No, no, I'm not busy. No, fire away.
Yes, I... I'm not quite sure
it's gonna be possibIe
to get the Pope on the phone tonight but...
Yes. Yes, I'm sure he's very good
at exorcism but...
Well, I'm sure...
Jon Bon Jovi is as well
and I'll definiteIy Iook into it.
OK? OK, I'll taIk to you Iater.
All right, bye-bye.
- Sorry about that.
- No, it's fine.
It's my brother, he's not well, he calls a Iot.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's fine. It's fine.
I mean, it's not really fine, it is what it is,
and there being no parents now
and us being over here,
it's my job to keep an eye on him.
Not my job, obviousIy, I'm gIad to do it...
That's OK. Life is full
of interruptions and compIications.
Will it make him better?
Then maybe...
don't answer.
Hey. How you doing?
Right, right. Oh, no, pIease.
Oh, pIease, pIease don't, IittIe darIing.
Between the two of us we'll find the answer
and it won't hurt anymore.
No, no.
I'm-I'm not busy. I...
Of course, if you want me
to come over I will. Mm-hm.
That was a good night.
- Except I feIt fat.
- Don't be ridicuIous.
It's true.
Nowadays the onIy cIothes I can get into
were once owned by Pavarotti.
I aIways think Pavarotti dresses very well.
Mia's very pretty.
Is she?
You know she is, darIing.
Be carefuI there.
Have you been watching stuff on TV?
- Every night.
- Good.
And every day.
- The nurses are trying to kill me.
- Nobody's trying to kill you, babe.
Thank you.
Don't do that, my darIing.
Thank you.
Don't do that.
(Dog barking in distance)
Right. Back at three.
Christmas shopping, never easy or pIeasant.
Are you gonna get me something?
I don't know, I hadn't thought.
Where's Sarah, by the way?
She couIdn't make it in. FamiIy thing.
There's a word for hangover
I've never heard before.
- See you Iater.
- Yes. Looking forward to it.
A Iot.
Are you gonna give me something?
I thought I made it cIear Iast night.
When it comes to me,
you can have everything.
So, erm, what do you need?
Something aIong the stationery Iine?
Are you short of stapIers?
No. I don't want something I need.
I want something I want. Something pretty.
Sorry I'm Iate, I had to drop off
Bernie at rehearsaI.
Right, Iisten, you keep yourseIf occupied
whiIe I do the boring stuff for our mothers.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Looking for anything in particuIar, sir?
Yes. That neckIace there, how much is it?
It's £270.
- Erm, all right. Er, I'll have it.
- LoveIy.
WouId you Iike
- Yes, all right.
- LoveIy.
Let me just pop it in the box.
- Look, couId we be quite quick?
- CertainIy, sir.
Ready in the fIashiest of fIashes.
- There.
- That's great.
Not quite finished.
- I don't need a bag, I'll put it in my pocket.
- Oh, this isn't a bag, sir.
- Really?
- This is so much more than a bag.
CouId we be quite quick, pIease?
- What's that?
- A cinnamon stick, sir.
- Actually, I really can't wait.
- You won't regret it, sir.
Want to bet?
'Tis but the work of a moment.
There we go. AImost finished.
Are you gonna dip it in yogurt?
Cover it with chocoIate buttons?
No, sir, we're going to pop it
in the Christmas box.
I don't want a Christmas box.
- But you wanted it gift-wrapped.
- I did but...
- The finaI fIourish.
- Can I pay?
- All we need now...
- Oh, God.
- a sprig of holly.
- No, no, no, no.
- No bIoody holly.
- But sir...
- Leave it.
- Ooh!
- Loitering around the jeweIry section?
- No. I was just Iooking around.
Don't worry. My expectations
are not that high
after 13 years of
Mr. Oh-But-You-AIways-Love-Scarves.
Actually, I do Iove this one.
(♪ DarIene Love: All AIone On Christmas)
♪ I've gotta know
♪ Where do the IoneIy hearts go... ♪
- Hey!
- What are you doing here?
Had to rent out my fIat to pay for my ticket.
You're not actually going ahead
with this stupid pIan?
I bIoody am.
You think this is full of cIothes?
Like hell it is.
It is chock-a-bIock full of condoms.
(Repetitive drumbeats)
- ExpIain again why you're so Iate.
- Can't a man have any secrets?
We've been waiting for hours,
it's the first ever preview.
♪ Visions of sugarpIums have disappeared... ♪
(Karen) It was a starry night
in ancient JerusaIem
and the baby Jesus was in his manger.
SherIock HoImes is not a reaI detective.
(Russian) Is this the way to the train station?
I wouId Iike haIf-pint of churIy.
I wouId Iike a one-day TraveIcard.
(Portuguese) Oh, my God,
I've got a terribIe stomachache.
It must have been the prawns.
MiIton Keynes has many roundabouts.
(Portuguese) My goodness,
this is a very big fish!
It tastes deIicious!
♪ Nobody ought to be aIone on Christmas
♪ All aIone on Christmas♪ Nobody ought to be aIone on Christmas
♪ Tell me I've got to know
♪ Nobody ought to be aIone on Christmas♪ Don't Ieave me aIone ♪
- You'll come back a broken man.- Yeah, back broken from too much sex.
You are on the road to disaster.
No, I am on shag highway, heading west.
Farewell, faiIure.
♪ And he's got a big knob ♪
(♪ Santana Featuring Rob Thomas: Smooth)
- Take me to a bar.- What kind of bar?
Just any bar.Just your average American bar.
(On jukebox) ♪ Man, it's a hot one
♪ Like seven inches from the midday sun... ♪
- Can I heIp you?- Yes. I'd Iike a Budweiser, pIease.
- King of beers.- Bud coming up.
Oh, my God.
Are you from EngIand?
- Yes.- Oh...
that is so cute.
Hi, I'm Stacey. (GiggIes)
- This is...- CoIin.
Cute name.
- Jeannie.- He's from EngIand.
Yep. BasiIdon.
- Oh.- Oh.
Wait till CaroI-Anne gets here.She's crazy about EngIish guys.
(Stacey) Uh-huh.
- Hey, girIs.- CaroI-Anne, come meet CoIin.
He's from EngIand.
Well, step aside, Iadies. This one's on me.
- Hey, gorgeous.- (GentIe growI)
That is so funny!
- What do you call that?- Er, bottIe.
(With EngIish accent) "BottIe."
- What about this?- Er, straw.
(GirIs) "Straw."
- What about this?- TabIe.
- TabIe. The same.- Oh, it's the same.
- Where are you staying?- I don't actually know.
I'll just check into a moteI Iike in the movies.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God, that is so cute.
No, no, no, Iisten. This may be a bit pushycos we just met you but...
why don't you come backand sIeep at our pIace?
- Yeah.- Yeah.
Well, if it's not too muchof an inconvenience.
Hell no! But there's one probIem.
Well, we're not the richest of girIs,you know.
So we just have a IittIe bed and no couch.
So you'd have to share with all three of us.
And on this coId, coId night it's gonna becrowded and sweaty and stuff.
And we can't even afford pajamas.
Which means...
we wouId be naked.
No, no, I think it'd be fine.
- (GirIs) Great.- Erm...
The thing that's gonna make itmore crowded...
Harriet. You haven't met Harriet.
- There's a fourth?- Yeah.
Don't worry, you're totally gonna Iike hercos she is "the sexy one".
- Really? Wow.- Yeah.
- Praise the Lord!- Oh, and he's a Christian.
(All) Cheers.
♪ If I couId
♪ Then I wouId
♪ I'll go wherever you will go
♪ Way up high
♪ Or down Iow
♪ I'll go wherever you will go
♪ If I couId turn back... ♪
One present onIy each tonight.Who's got one for Dad?
- I have.- Let Mummy go first.
- I'll get it.- No, no, no. I want to choose mine.
I think I want...
- ..this one.- I have bought the traditionaI scarf as well
but this is my other,sIightIy speciaI, personaI one.
Thank you.
That's a reaI first.
- Rip it!- What is it?
I'm going to... All right, I'll rip it.
God, that's a surprise.
(Daisy) What is it?
It's a CD. Joni Mitchell, wow.
To continue your emotionaI education.
That's great.
- My brilliant wife.- Ah, yes.
Actually, do you mind if I just absent myseIffor a second?
All that ice cream. Er...
DarIing, couId you make surethe kids are ready to go?
- Back in a minute.- (Harry to kids) All right, take it easy.
(Bernie) Mine first. Mine.
♪ And Ferris wheeIs
♪ The dizzy dancing way that you feeI
♪ As every fairy taIe comes reaI
♪ I've Iooked at Iove that way
♪ But now it's just another show
♪ And you Ieave 'em Iaughing when you go
♪ And if you care
♪ Don't Iet them know
♪ Don't give yourseIf away
♪ I've Iooked at Iove
♪ From both sides now
♪ From give and take
♪ And still somehow
♪ It's Iove's illusions that I recall
♪ I really don't know Iove
♪ I really don't know Iove at all
♪ Tears and fears
♪ And feeIing proud
♪ To say I Iove you right out Ioud
♪ Dreams and schemes
♪ And circus crowds
♪ I've Iooked at Iife that way
♪ Oh but now oId friends... ♪
Oh, my God.
It's a miracIe. You're all dressed.
Come on, come on, come on,we're horribIy Iate.
Come on, then. In the car. In the car.
♪ Well something's Iost
♪ But something's gained
♪ In Iiving every day ♪
- Has she noticed you yet?- No.
But the thing about romance is peopIeonIy get together right at the very end.
Of course.
By the way, I feeI bad. I never ask youhow your Iove Iife is going.
As you know,that was a done deaI Iong ago.
UnIess CIaudia Schiffer calls, in which caseI want you out of here straightaway,
- you wee motherIess mongreI.- Oh!
No, no. We'll want to have sexin every room, incIuding yours.
(MaIe DJ)'It's a rainy Christmas Eve all over the UK
'and the question is who is number oneon the Radio One chart show tonight?
'Is it BIue or the unexpectedChristmas sensation from Billy Mack?
'You might have guessed itaIthough you may not beIieve it.
'It's Billy Mack.'
- You are the champion!- (Crowd) Shh.
- 'Hi, Billy.'- Hello.
'We're Iive across the nationand you're number one.
- 'How will you be ceIebrating?'- I don't know.
Er, either I couId behave Iikea reaI rock'n'roll Ioser
and get drunk with my fat manager...
or, when I hang up,
I'll be fIooded by invitationsto a Iarge number of gIamorous parties.
'Let's hope it's the Iatter. Here it is.Number one, from Billy Mack,
- 'it's Christmas Is All Around.'- Oh, Jesus, not that crap again.
♪ I feeI it in my fingers... ♪
Bill, it's for you, babe.
Hello. EIton.
O-Of course. Of course.
Send an embarrassingIy big carand I'll be there.
(Crowd Iaughing)
It's gonna be a very good Christmas.
(♪ Otis Redding: White Christmas)
Oh, Iook, everyone, it's UncIe Jamie.
Hi, UncIe Jamie!
Yes, oh, spIendid. It's IoveIy to see you all.
And, er...
I'm off, actually.
But Jamie, darIing.
Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
I hate UncIe Jamie!
(GirI) I hate UncIe Jamie.(Boy) I hate UncIe Jamie.
♪ Treetops gIisten
♪ LittIe bitty, IittIe bitty chiIdren
♪ They'll try to Iisten... ♪
Gatwick airport, pIease. Fast as you can.
(♪ Song continues on radio, quietIy)
♪ That are ringing in the snow
♪ I wanna tell you one more timewhat I'm thinking about... ♪
- Night, Sarah.- Night, KarI.
I, er...
- Merry Christmas.- Merry Christmas.
♪ With every Christmas card I write to you
♪ I want you to know
♪ May your day, may your day... ♪
Hi, babe, how's it going? Yeah.
Is it all party, party, party down there?
♪ One more thing
♪ And may all
♪ All of your Christmases
♪ And may all
♪ And may all of your Christmases... ♪
- Sam, time for dinner.- I'm not hungry.
Sam, I've done chicken kebabs.
(Sam) Look at the sign on the door.
It's a IittIe Iong.
♪ Be so white
♪ Of a white... ♪
I'll get it.
- Oh, hi.- (Peter) Who is it?
It's caroI singers.
Give them a quid and tell them to bugger off.
(Turns voIume up)
♪ SiIent night
♪ HoIy night
♪ All is caIm
♪ All is bright
♪ Round yon virgin
♪ Mother and chiId
♪ HoIy infant
♪ So tender and miId
♪ SIeep in heavenIy peace
♪ SIeep in heavenIy peace
♪ SiIent night
♪ HoIy night
♪ Shepherds quake
♪ At the sight... ♪
(Whispers) Merry Christmas.
♪ GIories stream
♪ From heaven afar
♪ HeavenIy hosts sing alleIuia
♪ Christ the savior is born
♪ Christ the savior is born ♪
Enough now.
(Sound turned down)
What the hell are you doing here?You're supposed to be at EIton John's.
Well, I was there for a minute or twoand then I had an epiphany.
- Really?- Yeah.
Come on. Just come up.
So what was this epiphany?
Erm, was about Christmas.
You reaIized it was all around.
No. I reaIized that Christmas is the timeto be with the peopIe you Iove.
And I reaIized that, as dire chanceand fatefuI cockup wouId have it,
here I am,
and without knowing it,I've spent most of my aduIt Iife
with a chubby empIoyee. (Snorts)
And, much as it grieves me to say it,
it might be that the peopIe I Iove is, in fact...
Well, this is a surprise.
Ten minutes at EIton John's and you're gay?
No, Iook. I'm serious here.
I Ieft EIton's and a hefty numberof haIf-naked chicks with their mouths open
in order to hang out with you at Christmas.
- Well, Bill...- It's a terribIe, terribIe mistake, chubs...
but you turn out to bethe fucking Iove of my Iife.
And to be honest,despite all my compIaining...
we have had a wonderfuI Iife.
thank you.
I mean, come on, it's been an honor.
I feeI very proud.
Oh, Iook, don't be a moron.
(CIears throat)
Come on, Iet's get pissed and watch porn.
(NataIie) 'Dear sir, Dear David,
'Merry Christmas and I hope you havea very happy New Year.
'I'm very sorryabout the thing that happened.
'It was a very odd momentand I feeI Iike a prize idiot.
'ParticuIarIy because -
'if you can't say it at Christmas,when can you, eh? -
'I'm actually yours. With Iove, your NataIie.'
Jack, yeah, I need a car.
Right now. Thank you.
(♪ Pointer Sisters: Jump)
Oh, don't wait up.
I'd Iike to go to Wandsworth, the dodgy end.
Very good, sir.
♪ Tell me how you want me
♪ I can feeI it in your heartbeat
♪ I know you Iike what you see... ♪
(Terry) Harris Street. What number, sir?
(David) Oh, God, it's the Iongest streetin the worId and I have absoIuteIy no idea.
♪ Wrap your Iove around me
♪ You're so excitedI can feeI you getting hotter ♪
Hello, does NataIie Iive here?
- No.- Right, fine, thank you. Sorry to disturb.
Here, aren't...
Aren't you the Prime Minister?
- Er, yes. In fact, I am. Merry Christmas.- Oh.
Part of the service now. Trying to get roundeveryone by New Year's Eve.
Ah. Hello. Does NataIie Iive here?
- No, she doesn't.- Oh dear. OK.
- Are you singing caroIs?- Er, no. No, I'm not.
- PIease, sir, pIease.- PIease.
Well, I suppose I couId.
- All right.- (GirIs cheer)
♪ Good King WencesIas Iooked out
♪ On the feast of Stephen
(Joins in with rich, deep voice)♪ When the snow Iay round about
♪ Deep and crisp and even
♪ BrightIy shone the moon that night ♪
- (Doorbell)- Hello. Sorry to disturb.
- Does NataIie Iive here?- No.
She Iives next door.
Ah. Brilliant.
You're not who I think you are, are you?
Yes and I'm sorry about all the cockups.
My cabinet are absoIute crap.We hope to do better next year.
Merry Christmas to you.
- (Chatting stops suddenIy)- Ah. Hello.
Is, er, NataIie in?
Oh, where the fuck is my fucking coat?
- Oh. Hello.- Hello.
Erm, this is my mum and my dadand my UncIe Tony and my Auntie GIynne.
- Hello.- Very nice to meet you.
And, erm...this is the Prime Minister.
Yes, we can see that, darIing.
And erm, unfortunateIy, we're very Iate.
It's the schooI Christmas concert,you see, David.
All the IocaI schooIs have joined together,even St. BasiI's...
- Too much detaiI, Mum.- Anyway, how can we heIp, sir?
Well, I...just needed NataIie...
on some state business.
- Oh.- Right, yes. Of course.
Right, er...
Well, perhaps you shouIdcome on Iater, PIumpy.
Er, NataIie.
I don't want to make you Iate for the concert.
- No, it's nothing, really.- Keith'll be very disappointed.
- No, really, it doesn't matter.- The octopus costume's taken me months.
Eight is a Iot of Iegs, David.
Mm. Erm...
Listen, why don't I give you a Iift
and then we can taIk aboutthis state business business in the car.
- LoveIy, yes.- Thank you.
HoId tight, everybody.
- How far is this pIace?- Just round the corner.
Ah, right. Well, er...
I just wanted to say...
thank you for the Christmas card.
You're weIcome.
Look, I'm so sorry about that day.
I came in and he sIinked towards meand there was a fire
and he's the President of the United Statesand nothing happened, I promise.
I just feIt Iike such a fooI because...
I think about you all the time, actually.
- And I think you're the man that I really...- We're here.
- ..Iove.- Oh, wow.
That really was just round the corner. Er...
Well, Iook, I...
I think I'd better not come in, you know?
Nobody wants some poIiticiansteaIing the kids' thunder.
No, pIease come. It'll be great.
No, I'd... I'd better not.
But I will be very sorry
to drive away from you.
Just give me one second.
Come on in. We can watch from backstage.
OK. Terry, I won't be Iong.
Look, this has to be a very secret visit, OK?
Don't worry. This was my schooI.I know my way around. Come on.
Look, the sheep are ready aIreadyand you're not even...
- Oh, David.- Ah!
Oh, how are you?
Hi, guys. Hey, hey, hey. You all right?
What the hell are you doing here?
- Well, you know...- We aIways tell your secretary
that these things are going on but it neveroccurred to me you'd actually turn up.
I thought it was time I did.
I didn't want anyone to see,so I'm gonna hide somewhere.
Good Iuck, Daisy, good Iuck, Bernie.
I've never been gIadderto see my stupid big brother.
- Thank you.- All right.
Oh, now. We haven't been introduced.
Right. Well, this is Gavin.
- Hello, Gavin.- My copper.
And this is NataIie, who's my, erm...
- who's my, erm, catering manager.- Oh.
- Hi.- Catering manager.
Watch he keeps his hands off you.
20 years ago, you'd have been his type.
I'll be very carefuI. Don't try something, sir,just because it's Christmas.
- No, seriousIy.- (Bell)
Come on. Showtime. QuickIy.
- Look, see you after, yeah?- ProbabIy.
- Thank you, Prime Minister.- It's all right.
- Come on.- Right.
♪ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
♪ Save it for a rainy day
♪ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
♪ Never Iet it fade away
♪ Never Iet it fade away
♪ Never Iet it fade away ♪
(Cheering, appIause)
Hillier SchooI wouId now Iike to presenttheir Christmas number.
Lead vocaIs by ten-year-oId Joanna Anderson,
backing vocaIs coordinated by her mother,
the great Mrs. Jean Anderson.
Erm, some of the staffhave decided to heIp out
and for this, we ask you to forgive us.
Thank you.
(A capella) ♪ I don't want a Iot for Christmas
♪ There's just one thing I need
♪ I don't care about the presents
♪ Underneath the Christmas tree
♪ I just want you for my own
♪ More than you couId ever know
♪ Make my wish come true
♪ All I want for Christmas
♪ Is you
♪ I don't want a Iot for Christmas
♪ There's just one thing I need
♪ I don't care about the presents
♪ Underneath the Christmas tree
♪ I just want you for my own
♪ More than you couId ever know
♪ Make my wish come true
♪ All I want for Christmas is you
♪ You baby
♪ Oh, all the Iights are shining
♪ So brightIy everywhere
♪ And the sound of chiIdren's Iaughterfills the air
♪ Laughter fills the air
♪ Everyone is singing♪ Oh yeah
♪ I hear those sIeigh bells ringing
♪ Santa won't you bring me my honey
♪ Won't you pIease bring my baby to me
♪ I don't want a Iot for Christmas
♪ This is all I'm asking for♪ All I'm asking for
♪ I just wanna see my baby
♪ Standing right outside my door
♪ Cos I just want you for my own
♪ More than you couId ever know♪ You will ever know
♪ Make my wish come true
♪ All I want for Christmas
♪ Is you
♪ All I want for Christmas
♪ And you and you
♪ And you and you♪ All I want for Christmas
♪ All I want for Christmas ♪
(Cheering, whistIing)
So, not quite as secret as we'd hoped.
- What do we do now?- SmiIe.
LittIe bow.
And a wave.
AbsoIuteIy no idea.I mean, can you imagine?
I'll see you Iater, all right?
I'll speak to you. Bye.
Tell me, if you were in my position,what wouId you do?
What position is that?
Imagine your husband bought a goId neckIace
and, come Christmas,gave it to somebody eIse.
- Oh, Karen...- WouId you wait around to find out...
- Good night.- Night, darIing. Happy Christmas.
WouId you wait around to find outif it's just a neckIace
or if it's sex and a neckIace
or if, worst of all, it's a neckIace and Iove?
WouId you stay? Knowing IifewouId aIways be a IittIe bit worse?
- Or wouId you cut and run?- Oh, God.
I am so in the wrong.
A cIassic fooI.
Yes but you've aIso made a fooI out of me.
You've made the Iife I Iead fooIish, too.
DarIing. Ooh, darIings!
Oh, you were wonderfuI.
My IittIe Iobster, you were so...
What is that word?
Come on, I've got treats at home.Dad's coming.
Sammy! Fantastic show!CIassic drumming, son.
- Thanks. PIan didn't work, though.- Tell her, then.
- Tell her what?- That you Iove her.
No way. Anyway, they fIy tonight.
Even better. Sam, you've got nothing to Ioseand you'll aIways regret it if you don't.
I never toId your mum enough.
I shouId have toId her every daybecause she was perfect every day.
You've seen the fiIms, kiddo.It ain't over till it's over.
OK, Dad. Let's do it. Let's go get the shitkicked out of us by Iove.
- Just give me one sec.- Yeah.
- Oh, I'm sorry.- Sorry.
That's OK.
- My fauIt.- No, no, really, it wasn't.
You're Sam's dad, aren't you?
Yeah. Stepdad, actually.
- DanieI.- I'm CaroI.
- OK, I'm back. Let's go.- Yeah. Well...
I hope we'll meet again, Karen.
CaroI. (Laughs)
- I'll make sure we do.- Yeah? Good.
(CaroI Iaughs)
- Tell her.- What?
- You know...- Don't be such an arse.
- Look, there she is.- Where?
Over there.
Oh, no.
It's OK, we'll go to the airport.I know a short cut.
(Portuguese) Good evening.
- Senhor Barros?- Sim.
I am here to ask your daughter
for her hands in marriage.
You want to marry my daughter?
Come here,
there is a man at the door.
He wants to marry you.
But I've never seen him before.
Who cares?
You're going to sell meto a compIete stranger?
Sell? Who said sell? I'll pay him.
Pardon me. I'm meaningyour other daughter - AureIia.
She's not here - she's at work.I'll take you.
You! Stay here.
As if I wouId. Stupid!
Father is about to sell AureIiaas a sIave to this EngIishman.
Wait. Wait.
Oh, no.
You better not say yes, Father.
Shut up, Miss Dunkin' Donut 2003.
- Look, we're not actually fIying.- You can't come through.
Not even to Iet the boy say goodbyeto the Iove of his Iife?
- I'm sorry, Sam.- Boarding pass, sir?
Just a moment, I know I've got it.WouId you hang on to that?
- UnIess...- What?
- Do you want to make a run for it?- HoId on to that.
- You think I shouId?- Yeah.
- OK.- Yes!
I must have Ieft themwhere I was having a cup of coffee.
(InaudibIe through gIass)
(Chattering excitedIy)
ApparentIy he is going to kill AureIia.
- I thought you didn't know my name.- Course I do.
Oh, Jesus. Here, I've gotta run.
- (Portuguese) Where is AureIia?- Why shouId I tell you?
This man wants to marry her.
He can't do that - she's our best waitress.
Boa noite, AureIia.
Boa noite, Jamie.
BeautifuI AureIia...
I've come here with a view to asking you...
to marriage me.
I know I seems an insane personbecause I hardIy knows you
but sometimes things are so transparency,
they don't need evidentiaI proof.
And I will inhabit here,or you can inhabit with me in EngIand.
DefiniteIy go for EngIand, girI.
You'll meet Prince William -then you can marry him instead.
Of course I don't expecting youto be as fooIish as me,
and of course I prediction you say no....
but it's Christmasand I just wanted to...check.
Oh, God - say yes, you skinny moron.
(EngIish) Thank you.
That will be nice.
Yes is being my answer.
Easy question.
(Portuguese) What did you say?
Yes, of course.
(EngIish) You Iearned EngIish?
Just in cases.
(♪ Beach Boys: God OnIy Knows)
♪ I may not aIways Iove you
♪ But Iong as there are stars above you... ♪
Hello, Daisy.
- This one's Greta.- Hello, Greta.
♪ I'll make you so sure about it... ♪
Here she is. This is AureIia.This is JuIiet. This is Peter.
- Mark, didn't see you there.- Just thought I'd tag aIong.
Jamie's friends are so good-Iooking.
He never tells me this.
I think maybe nowI have made the wrong choice,
picked wrong EngIishman.
She can't speak EngIish properIy.
(Daisy) Dad! Dad!
Oh, God.
- Did you get us any presents?- Matter of fact, I did.
(Bernie) Thanks, Dad.
- How are you?- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Good to have you back.
Come on. Home.
There she is.
- Hi.- Hello.
- Aw, he shouId have kissed her.- No, that's cooI.
Now, this is Harriet.
- Hi. Really pIeased to meet you.- Hello, Harriet.
I hope you don't mind,I sort of brought my sister to stay.
This is CarIa. She's reaI friendIy.
Hello, you must be Tony.
I heard you were gorgeous.
♪ God onIy knowswhat I'd be without you... ♪
(Press shouting)
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knowswhat I'd be without you... ♪
- God, you weigh a Iot.- Oh, shut your face.
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you♪ God onIy knows
♪ God onIy knows what I'd be without you ♪
(♪ Kelly CIarkson: The TroubIe With Love Is)
♪ Love can be a many spIendored thing
♪ Can't deny the joy it brings
♪ A dozen roses, diamond rings
♪ Dreams for saIe and fairy taIes
♪ It'll make you hear a symphony
♪ And you just want the worId to see
♪ But Iike a drug that makes you bIind
♪ It'll fooI ya every time
♪ The troubIe with Iove is
♪ It can tear you up inside
♪ Make your heart beIieve a Iie
♪ It's stronger than your pride
♪ The troubIe with Iove is
♪ It doesn't care how fast you fall
♪ And you can't refuse the call
♪ See you got no say at all
♪ Now I was once a fooI, it's true
♪ I pIayed the game by all the ruIes
♪ But now my worId's a deeper bIue
♪ I'm sadder but I'm wiser too
♪ I swore I'd never Iove again
♪ I swore my heart wouId never mend
♪ Said Iove wasn't worth the pain
♪ But then I hear it call my name
♪ The troubIe with Iove is
♪ It can tear you up inside
♪ Make your heart beIieve a Iie
♪ It's stronger than your pride
♪ The troubIe with Iove is
♪ It doesn't care how fast you fall
♪ And you can't refuse the call
♪ See you got no say at all
♪ Every time I turn around
♪ I think I've got it all figured out
♪ My heart keeps callingAnd I keep on falling
♪ Over and over again
♪ The sad story aIways ends the same
♪ Me standing in the pouring rain
♪ It seems no matter what I do
♪ It tears my heart in two
♪ The troubIe with Iove is♪ The troubIe with Iove
♪ It can tear you up inside♪ It can tear you up inside
♪ Make your heart beIieve a Iie♪ Make your heart beIieve a Iie
♪ It's stronger than your pride
♪ The troubIe with Iove is♪ It's in your heart, it's in your souI
♪ It doesn't care how fast you fall♪ You're Iosing that controI
♪ And you can't refuse the call
♪ See you got no say at all
♪ The troubIe with Iove is♪ Ooh, yeah
♪ It can tear you up inside♪ Ooh ♪
(♪ GirIs AIoud: Jump)
♪ Your eyes tell me how you want me
♪ I can feeI it in your heartbeat
♪ You're so excitedI can feeI you getting hotter
♪ Oh baby
♪ I'll take you down, I'll take you down
♪ Where no one's ever gone before
♪ And if you want more
♪ If you want more, more, more
♪ Then jump for my Iove
♪ Jump in
♪ And feeI my touch
♪ Jump♪ If you want to taste my kisses in the night
♪ Then jump for my Iove
♪ I know my heart♪ I know my heart can make you happy
♪ Jump in♪ You know these arms can feeI you up
♪ Jump♪ If you want to taste my kisses in the night
♪ Then jump for my Iove ♪

'It's my study ^^ 과연' 카테고리의 다른 글

CLangauge Complex Declaration  (0) 2007.12.27
Big endian vs Little endian  (0) 2007.12.21
파일객체와 파일지시자 비교  (0) 2007.12.21
open, fopen의 차이점  (0) 2007.12.18
hard link와 symbolic link  (0) 2007.12.18
Don't play hard to get.
Quit playing games.
Play your cards right.
He's a player
Put on a happy face.
Put it on my tab.
Put yourself in his shoes.
Put mommy on.

'It's my study ^^ 과연 > It's English' 카테고리의 다른 글

오늘의표현  (0) 2008.01.07
회화를 하기위한 필수100가지 표현  (0) 2008.01.07
명령문  (0) 2008.01.03
이유를 묻는 몇가지 방법  (0) 2008.01.02
You can't miss it

You just missed him

You missed the boat

Something's missing

Move in with me

He made move on me

Get a move on, man

I was so moved

'It's my study ^^ 과연 > It's English' 카테고리의 다른 글

2008.1.18 표현  (0) 2008.01.08
회화를 하기위한 필수100가지 표현  (0) 2008.01.07
명령문  (0) 2008.01.03
이유를 묻는 몇가지 방법  (0) 2008.01.02

1.     I need.... “...이 필요하다” 는 것을 표현할 때

I need a new car.      나는 새 차가 필요해

I need a vacation.      나는 휴가가 필요해

I need some advice.   나는 조언이 필요해

I need a haircut.       머리를 잘라야겠다.

2.      I hope....  “.을 희망한다.  or 어떻게 되었으면 한다.”  는 표현

I hope it snows.       눈이 내렸으면 좋겠다.

I hope it's OK with you.       네가 좋다고 하면 좋겠다.

I hope you can make it.       네가 그것을 만들 수 있으면 좋겠다.

I hope my plane leaves on time.       내가 탈 비행기가 제시간에 출발 했으면 좋겠다.

3.      Can I...?  “.... 할 수 있나요? ...해드릴까요? ” 라는 표현

Can I help you?        도와드릴까요?

Can I give you a hand?         도와드릴까요?

Can I get you something?      뭔가 갖다 드릴까요?

Can I take a message?         메시지를 받아 드릴까요?

4.      Are you...?  “당신은...입니까?” 라는 상대방의 상태를 질문함

Are you ready?         준비 되었습니까?

Are you all right?      괜찮아요?

Are you busy right now?       지금 바쁘신가요?

Are you free tomorrow afternoon?     내일 오후에 시간이 있습니까?

5.      I'll (I will) ....  “나는 ... 할 것이다.” 라는 자신의 의사를 표현

I'll have the New York cut.    나는 뉴욕 컷을 먹겠습니다.

I'll have a beer, please.         맥주 주세요.

I'll have another cup of coffee. 커피를 한 잔 더 하겠어요

I'll have the special    특별 요리를 먹겠습니다.

6.      I want...  “을 원한다.” 말을 할 때

I want more responsibility.     좀더 책임 있는 일을 하고 싶습니다.

I want a position with more responsibility.     좀더 책임 있는 지위에 있고 싶습니다.

I want a raise. 봉급을 올려주길 원합니다.

I want it all.   나는 그 모든 것을 원합니다.

7.      Do you want...?  “...을 원합니까?” 라는 표현을 할 때

Do you want some more coffee?       커피 더 하시겠어요?

Do you want anything at the store?    가게에서 뭐 사올 것 없어요?

Do you want anything else?    그 밖에 원하는 것 있어요?

Do you want cream and sugar? 크림과 설탕을 넣을 까요?

8.      I think.... “나는 ... 생각한다.” 라는 표현을 할 때

I think so.     나는 그렇게 생각한다.

I don't think so.  그렇게 생각지 않는다.

I think not.    그렇게 생각지 않는다.

Don't you think so?    그렇게 생각하지 않나요?

9.      Do you think....?  “...생각합니까?”  라고 상대방의 의사를 물을 때.

Do you think this looks OK?   보기에 괜찮다고 생각해요?

Do you think this looks good on me?  이것이 나한테 어울린다고 생각해요?

Do you think this goes with my dress? 이것이 내 옷에 맞는다고 생각해요?

Do you think this color suits me?      이 색깔이 나에게 어울린다고 생각해요?

10.     I know... “...을 알고 있다” 라는 표현을 할 때

I know what you mean. 당신이 하는 말이 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어요.

I know what you want. 네가 원하는 것을 알고 있다

I know how you feel.  네 기분을 안다

I know what you're thinking.   네가 뭘 생각하고 있는지 안다

11.     Do you know...?  “...을 알고 있습니까?”  라는 표현을 할 때

Do you know the recipe?      만드는 법을 알고 있습니까?

Do you know that woman?     저 여자를 압니까?

Do you know the story?       그 이야기를 알고 있습니까?

Do you know the way?         그 길을 알고 있습니까?

12.     I feel...   “..을 느낀다.” 라는 자신의 기분 상태를 말할 때

I feel sick     속이 느글거려

I feel sick to my stomach.     배속이 매슥매슥하다

I feel a little dizzy.    약간 현기증이 난다

I feel really tired.      아주 지쳤어

13.     Feel free…  “......사양하지 말고 하세요.” 하는 표현을 말할 때

Feel free to call me it you have any questions.

뭐 물어볼 것이 있으시면 주저하지 마시고 제게 전화 하세요

Feel free to give me a call if there are any problems. 

문제가 있으면 언제든지 전화를 주세요.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

질문이 있으시면 언제든지 물어보세요.

Feel free to tell us if you want anything

원하는 것이 있으시면 언제든지 저희에게 말씀해 주세요.

14.     I have...  “....을 갖고 있다” 는 것을 표현할 때

I have two sisters.     나에게 자매가 둘이 있다

I have an older sister and a younger sister.   나에게는 언니가 한명, 여동생이 한명 있다

I have two sisters, on e older and one younger.

나에게는 언니와 여동생, 두 명의 자매가 있다

I have two sisters, both older.  나에게는 언니가 두 명 있습니다.

15.     Have you...?  “...해본 경험이 있어요?” 라고 질문할 때

Have you ever been to Disneyland?    당신은 디즈니랜드에 가본 적이 있어요?

* have been to-에 다녀오다, 가보다

Have you been to Paris?       파리에 가본 적이 있어요.

Have you ever seen Picasso's Three Dancers? 

피카소의 세 명의 무희라는 그림을 본적이 있습니까?

Have you ever listened to anything by Miles Davis

마일즈 데이비스의 연주를 들은 적이 있습니까?

16.     I have to...  "...을 해야만 한다.  는 표현을 할 때

I have to make a decision.     나는 결정을 해야 합니다.

* make a decision: 결정하다

I have to make a choice.      나는 선택을 해야 한다

I have to make the deadline.   마감시간에 맞추어야한다

I have to make more of a contribution to the project.  

이 프로젝트에 좀더 공헌을 해야 합니다

17.     Have...  “...을 가지세요.”어떤 상태가 되세요. 표현을 할 때

Have a good time.     즐거운 시간되세요.

Have a nice time.       즐거운 시간 되세요

Have fun.      재미있게 보내세요.

Have a nice weekend. 좋은 주말 보내세요.

18.     This is.....  “이것은 ...입니다” 라는 표현

This is for you.         이것을 당신에게 드리겠습니다.  이것은 당신 것입니다

This is for John.       이것은 존에게 주는 겁니다.

This is for the picnic.  이것은 피크닉을 위한 겁니다.

This is for tonight's dinner.    이것은 오늘 밤의 저녁용이다.

19.     Is this....?  “이것이 ...입니까?”  라고 물을 때

Is this the report you were looking for?  이것이 당신이 찾고 있었던 보고서입니까?

Is this what you were looking for?     이것이 당신이 찾고 있던 것이 아닌가요?

Is this what you wanted?      당신이 원했던 것이 아닌가요?

Is this the seater you knitted? 이것이 당신이 짠 스웨터인가요?

20.     That's (That is)...  “저것은...입니다” 라는 표현

That's right.   그래요

That's true.    그건 그래

That's it.       맞아

That's wrong.  그것은 잘못된 거야

21.     There's (There is)....   “사물이나 사람이 어디에 있다” 는 표현

There's some food in the refrigerator. 냉장고 안에 먹을 게 좀 있다

There's some cake on the table.       테이블위에 케이크가 있다

There's none left.      아무것도 남아있지 않다

There's more ice cream in the freezer. 냉동실 안에 아이스크림이 더 있다.

22.     Is there....?    어디에 무엇이 있는지를 묻는 표현

Is there a drugstore nearby?   부근에 약국이 있습니까?

Is there a bus stop around here?      이 근처에 버스 정류장이 있습니까?

Is there a direct flight to Seoul from Philadelphia?  필라델피아에서 서울로 가는 직행편이 있습니까?

Is there another exit?  다른 출구가 있습니까?

23.     Could you...?  “...을 해 주시겠어요?” 라고 공손히 요구하는 표현

Could you do me a favor?     부탁하나 드려도 될까요?

Could you help me out?         저를 좀 도와줄래요?

Could you get me another beer?       나한테 맥주 한잔 더 줄래요?

Could you wrap this separately, please? 이것을 따로 포장해 줄래요?

24.     You should...  “...을 하는 것이 좋겠다.” 하는 식의 충고나 명령을 말할 때

You should give her a call.    너는 그녀에게 전화를 하는 것이 좋겠다.

You should give her a chance 너는 그녀에게 기회를 주는 게 좋겠다.

You should tell her how you feel.      

그녀한테 네가 어떻게 생각하고 있는지 이야기 하는 것이 좋겠다.

You should finish your homework.     너는 숙제를 끝내야한다

25.     Would you...  “...을 해 주시겠습니까” 라고 정중하게 부탁할 때

Would you mail this letter for me?     이 편지를 부쳐 주시겠습니까?

Would you type this letter, please?    이 편지를 부쳐 주시겠습니까?

Would you please pass me the salt?   소금 좀 집어 주실래요?

Would you explain it to her?   그것을 그녀한테 설명 해 주시겠어요?

26.     I'd like (I would like).... “나는 ..을 하겠다.” 는 자신의 선호를 표현할 때

I'd like an ice cream sundae.   아이스크림선디를 주십시오.

I'd like another drink.  한잔 더 주십시오.

I'd like a slice of pizza, please. 피자 한 조각을 주세요.

I'd like two tickets to the 9:30 show.  9시 반에 상연하는 티켓을 두장 주세요.

27.     It's (It is)...  “이것은 ...입니다” 라는 뜻의 표현

It's no problem.         별문제 아닙니다.

It's a difficult question. 그것은 어려운 질문이군요.

It's an emergency.     긴급사태입니다

It's a joke.     농담이오.

28.     Let... “함께...합시다.”  라고 제안 하는 표현

Let's take a break.     잠깐 쉽시다.

Let's take a cab.       택시를 타자

Let's eat out tonight.   오늘밤은 외식하자

Let's set a date.       날짜를 정하자

29.     It takes ...  “...이 소요 됩니다” 라는 표현

It takes a lot of hard work.    아주 열심히 노력하지 않으면 안 된다

It takes a lot of courage.      거기에는 대단한 용기가 필요하다

It takes guts and determination. 거기에는 배짱과 용기가 필요하다

30.     It looks like...  “...인 것처럼 보인다.” 라고 말할 때

It looks like it's going to rain. 비가 올 것 같다

It looks like it‘s going to pop. 그것은 지금이라도 과연 될 것 같다

It looks like the house is falling apart. 그 집은 지금이라도 무너질 것 같다

It looks like spring is arriving earlier this year. 올해는 봄이 빨리 올 것 같다

31.     What's....?  “...은 무엇입니까?” 라는 질문을 할 때

What's your number?   당신의 전화번호는 무엇입니까?

What's your name?     당신의 성함이 어찌 되지요

What's your address?  당신의 주소가 어떻게 되지요

32.     What a ....!  “참 ..이네요” 라는 말을 할 때

What a mess!  왜 이렇게 어수선해!

What a shame! 원 참 창피한 일이네!

What a joke!   얼마나 우스꽝스러운 일인가!

What a surprise!       야, 놀랍다!

33.     What do you ....?  “무엇을 ... 하세요?”  라는 상대방의 의사나 상태를 물어 볼 때

What do you want to do?      넌 어떻게 했으면 좋겠니?

What do you want to know?   무엇을 알고 싶니?

What do you plan to do?       무엇을 할 계획입니까?

What do you suggest we do?  당신은 우리가 어떻게 할 것을 제의합니까?

34.     How's....?  “....어떠세요?”  사물이나 사람이 어떤 상태인지를 질문

How's your brother doing?     형은 어떻게 지내냐?

How's your father doing?      아버님은 어떻게 지내시냐?

How's Mary doing?     메리는 어떻게 지냅니까?

How's she now?       그녀는 지금 어때요?

35.     How do you...?  “...어떻게 합니까?”  하는 방식에 대한 질문

How do you open this door?   이문은 어떻게 여는 겁니까?

How do you do this?   이것을 어떻게 하는 겁니까?

How do you work this? 이것은 어떻게 작동 시키는 겁니까?

How do you get there? 거기에는 어떻게 갑니까?

36.     How about..?   “...은 어떻습니까?” 는 말을 할 때

How about a beer?     맥주라도 마실까?

How about another piece of cake?     케이크 하나 더 드시겠어요?

How about lunch?      점심이나 할까요?

How about  some eggs this morning?  오늘 아침 식사는 달걀이 어때요?

37.     How come...?  “도대체..왜?” 라는 식으로 물을 때

How come you're not going to the party?      너 왜 파티에 가지 않니?

How come you can't go?       왜 갈수 없니?

How come you never write?   왜 너는 한번도 편지를 쓰지 않니?

How come it's not working?    왜 그것은 작동하지 않습니까?

38.  How long...?  “얼마나 ... 오래 이지요?”  식의 시간의 길이를 질문

How long does it take to get there?   거기까지 얼마나 걸리지요?

How long does it take by bus?         버스로 얼마나 걸리지요?

How long does it take on foot?        걸어서 얼마나 걸리지요?

39.     Why don't you...?  “....하지 않겠어요?” 식으로 권유, 제안을 할 때

Why don't you come along?    너도 같이 가는 게 어때?

Why don't you join us?        함께 가지 않겠어요?

Why don't you sit down?       앉지 그래요

Why don't you take a break?   좀 쉬는 것이 어때요?

40.     Thanks for... “...감사 합니다” 는 감사의 기본적인 표현

Thanks for everything. 여러 가지로 고마워요

Thanks for all the help. 도와주어서 고맙습니다.

Thanks for the encouragement. 격려해 주셔서 감사합니다.

Thanks for the advice. 충고 해 주셔서 고맙습니다.

41.     Take... “...을 잡다 or 갖는다.” 는 표현

Take it easy.  그럼 잘 가

Take care.     조심 해. 잘 가

Take your time. 천천히 하세요.

Take a chance. 운에 맡기고 해보세요.

42.     Tell.... “..알려 주세요” 라는 것을 말할 때

Tell her I'll stop by around 7. 그녀에게 7시쯤 들른다고 전해줘요

Tell her I'll call her when I get home. 집에 도착하면 전화 한다고 그녀에게 전해줘요

Tell him I said hello.   내가 안부 전한다고 전해줘요

Tell Jane I bought a ticket for her.    제인의 티켓을 샀다고 전해줘요

43.     See you... “...에 만나지요” 라는 것을 말할 때

See you on Saturday.  토요일에 만나요

See you at 8.  8시에 만나요

See you next week.    다음주에 만나요

See you tomorrow.     내일 만나요

44.     This sounds....  “....처럼 생각되다” 는 표현을 할 때

This sounds interesting.         재미있을 것 같다

This sounds good.     좋을 것 같다

This sounds exciting.  재미있을 것 같다

This sounds scary.     무서울 것 같다

45.     Do you mind...?  “...해도 상관없어요?”  라는 허가를 구할 때

Do you mind?          상관없어요?

Don't you mind?       상관없어요?

Don't you care?         상관 하지 않아요?

Do you care?          괜찮아요?

46.     Are you sure...?  “...확실해요?” 상대방의 의도를 확인 하는 표현

Are you sure?         확신 해?

Are you certain?       확신 합니까?

Are you positive?      틀림없습니다.

Are you serious?       진지한거예요?,  중대한거예요?

47.     I'm worried about... “....염려가 돼요” 라는 불안의 표현

I'm worried about Susan.       나는 수잔이 걱정돼

I'm worried about you.         네가 걱정이다

I'm worried about the kids.    아이들이 걱정이다

I'm worried about our younger generation today.       오늘날의 젊은이들이 걱정이다

48.     be going to... “...하려고 하다” 는 자신의 의지를 표현하는 말

I'm going to study harder next year.   내년에는 좀더 열심히 공부 할 생각이다

I'm going to quit my job.       나는 일을 그만 둘 생각이아

I'm going to take a long vacation this summer. 이번 여름에는 긴 휴가를 낼 생각이다

49.     I'm sorry...  “...미안 합니다”는 뜻의 기본적인 표현

I'm sorry about what I said.    그런 말을 해서 죄송해요

I'm sorry about what I‘ve done. 여러 가지로 폐를 끼쳐 죄송합니다.

I'm sorry I got upset.  화를 내서 미안 합니다

50.     I wonder... “... 일까?”  라는 확신이 없이 추측 하는 표현

I wonder if he'll call.   그 사람이 과연 전화 할까?

I wonder if he wants to come. 그 사람이 오고 싶어 할까?

I wonder if we should invite Carl.      우리가 카알을 초대 해야만 하나?

I wonder if it will be sunny this weekend.     이번 주말에는 날씨가 좋을는지 모르겠다.

51.     I hate... “...을 싫어한다.”는 자신의 기호를 말할 때

I hate spinach. 나는 시금치를 싫어한다.

I hate crowds. 나는 사람이 많은 것을 싫어한다.

I hate that song.       나는 그 노래를 싫어한다.

I hate this weather.    나는 이런 날씨는 질색이다

52.     I wish... “...을 소원하다”는 말의 표현

I wish you luck.       당신의 행운을 빕니다.

I wish you every success.     성공을 빕니다.

I wish you all the happiness in the world.     세상에서 가장 행복하시길 바랍니다.

I wish you all the best. 멋진 일이 있으시기를 바랍니다.

53.     I guess... “...이라고 생각한다.” 단서가 없이 하는 말

I guess you're right.   네가 옳다고 생각한다.

I guess it is OK.       괜찮다고 생각한다.

I guess it would be all right.   괜찮을 것이라고 생각한다.

I guess it doesn't matter.      상관없다고 생각한다.

54.     May I ...?  “해도 좋습니까?” 식의 허가를 구할 때

May I sit here? 여기에 앉아도 되겠습니까?

May I help you?       도와 드릴까요?

May I speak to Larry, please.  래리씨와 이야기를 할 수 있을까요?

May I have another piece of pie?      파이 한 조각을 다 먹어도 될까요?

55.     I'm glad...  “... 해서 기쁘다”는 말을 할 때

I'm glad to hear that.  기쁜 소식이군요.

I'm glad to be here.    여기에 오기를 잘 했네요.

I'm glad to meet you.  만나서 반갑습니다.

I'm glad to see you're all right. 건강한 모습을 보아서 반갑습니다.

56.     I heard... “...소문을 들었다” 는 표현

I heard you're moving. 이사 하신다고 들었습니다.

I heard you won.      당신이 이겼다고 들었습니다.

I heard Jim got the promotion. 짐이 진급 했다고 들었습니다.

I heard Kate and Richard are getting married.  

케이트와 리차드가 결혼할 것이라고 들었습니다.

57.     I'm afraid.... “....두렵다”는 두려움을 나타낼 때 하는 표현

I'm afraid of flying.    비행기를 타는 것은 무섭다

I'm afraid of the dark. 어두운 곳이 무섭다

I'm afraid of height.    나는 고소 공포증이 있었다.

I'm not afraid of him.  나는 그를 무서워하지 않는다.

58.     Shall I....?  “....을 해 드릴까요?” 라는 뜻의 표현

Shall I open the window?      창문을 열까요?

Shall I get the door?           제가 문을 열까요?

Shall I answer the phone?     제가 전화를 받을 까요?

Shall I take a message?         메시지를 남기시겠습니까?

59.     ..., isn't it? “...이지요, 안 그래요?” 라는 표현

This is our pen, isn't it?       이것이 당신의 펜이지요? 안 그래요?

You're a student, aren't you?   학생이지요? 안 그래요?

We're next, aren't we? 우리가 다음 차례이지요?  안 그래요?

She's from Canada, Isn't she?  그녀는 캐나다 출신이지요? 안 그래요?

60.     Please.... (무엇을 요구하면서 분위기를 완화 하는 표현)

Please forgive me.             부디 용서 해 주세요.

Please accept my apology.     부디 제 사과를 받아주세요

Please come with me.          부디 함께 가시지요

Please don't tell anyone.       부디 아무한테도 말 하지 말아주세요

61.     Be... Be 동사의 명령형으로 “하라, 되라!”의 뜻으로 사용

Be careful.     조심해요

Be quiet.       조용히 하세요.

Be reasonable. 이성적이 되세요.

Be practical.   현실적으로 되세요.

62.     Here....  가까운 것을 가리키는 “여기”를 나타내는 표현

Here you are.  자 여기 있습니다.

Here it is.     자 여기 있습니다.

Here she comes.       그녀가 오네요.

Here we go again.     자 다시 합시다.

63.     Because... "왜냐하면...“

Because I like it.      그것을 좋아하기 때문입니다

Because It's Sunday.   일요일이기 때문입니다

Because It's required.  그것이 요구되기 때문입니다

Because that's just the way it is.      세상이란 그런 것이기 때문입니다

64.     Don't ...... “...하지 마라” 의 듯을 나타내는 표현

Don't jump to conclusions.     지레 짐작하지 마세요.

Don't panic.    당황하지 마

Don't worry about it.   그것에 관해서 걱정하지 마

Don't mention it.       천만예요

65.     You'd better... “...하는 편이 좋다” 는 뜻을 나타내는 표현

You'd better hurry.     서두르는 편이 좋겠다.

You'd better watch out. 조심하는 것이 좋겠다.

You'd better apologize. 당신이 사과하는 것이 좋겠어.

You'd better be careful. 주의하는 것이 좋겠어.

66.     You must... “...해야만 한다.”

You mustn't (must not) disturb her.    그녀를 방해새서는 안된다.

You mustn't wake her up.      그녀를 깨워서는 안 된다

You mustn't be late.  늦어서는 안 된다

You mustn't forget.   잊어서는 안 된다

67.     You mean...?  “즉 ..라는 말이지요?” 라는 뜻의 표현

You mean you didn't accept the offer? 너는 그 제안을 받아들이지 않았다는 말이냐?

You mean it's impossible?      불가능하다는 말입니까?

You mean you're not going?   가지 않겠다는 말 이예요?

You mean it's true?    그게 사실이란 말 이예요?

68.     I'd (I would) rather.... “...보다는 ...쪽을 하고 싶다”  는 뜻의 표현

I'd rather stay home tonight.   어느 쪽인가 하면 오늘밤에는 집에 있고 싶다

I'd rather eat out.      어느 쪽인가 하면 외식하고 싶어요.

I'd rather go bowling.  어느 쪽인가 하면 볼링 치러가고 싶다

I'd rather 애 something else.   뭔가 다른 것을 해보고 싶다

69.     I used to.... “옛날에는 ...이었다” 는 뜻의 표현

I used to be a high-school teacher.    나는 전에는 고등학교 선생 이었다.

I used to be a fan of hers.    나는 전에는 그녀의 팬이었다.

I used to be a baseball player. 나는 전에는 야구 선수였다

There used to be a market on the comer.     전에 그 모퉁이에 시장이 있었다.

70.     It seems.... “...라고 생각되다”  라고 추측하는 표현

It doesn't make any difference to me.  나에게는 차이가 없다

It makes sense.         그것은 일리가 있네요.

It doesn't make any sense.     그건 도무지 말이 되지 않는다.

It makes a good meal. 맛있어요.

72.     Is it all right...?  “~해도 좋아요?” 허가를 구하는 표현

Is it all right to use phone?    전화를 써도 될까요?

Is it all right to let the cat out?       고양이를 밖으로 내 보내도 될까요?

Is it all right to mention it to Tony?   토니에게 말해도 돼요?

Is it all right to use this glass 이 컵을 사용해도 돼요?

73.     That's (that is) what...  “그것이 바로 ...이다”

That's what I was thinking.    내가 생각하고 있던 것이 바로 그거야

That's what we have to do.    우리들이 해야만 하는 것이 그것이다

That's what I was afraid of.    내가 두려워했던 것이 바로 그것이다

That's what I call modern art.  내가 현대 예술이라고 하는 것이 그것입니다.

74.     There's (there is) nothing.....  “거기에 ...아무것도 없다” 는 표현

There's nothing to do. 한 일이 아무것도 없다

There's nothing to be afraid of. 아무것도 무서워 할 것 없다

There's nothing to worry about. 아무것도 걱정 할 것이 없다

There's nothing to drink.       마실 것이 아무것도 없다

75.     There's (there is) no...  “.... 이 아무것도 없다”는 표현

There's no way I'm going to finish it on time. 정해진 시간에 끝내는 것은 무리다

There's no way now that we'll get a reservation.      지금 예약을 하는 것은 무리다

There's no chance that you'll be able to make it.   당신이 제 시간에 댈 가능성은 없다

There's no possibility that you'll change your min.     당신이 생각을 바꿀 가능성은 없다

76.     No wonder... “...에 대해서 무리는 아냐”...당연하다“ 표현

No wonder she got angry.     그녀가 화가 난 것도 무리는 아니다

No wonder.    그럴 만 해

No wonder he quit.    그가 그만둔 것도 무리가 아니다

No wonder you're upset.       네가 당황하는 것도 무리가 아니다

77.     Which~better.... “어느 것을 ~더”  둘 중에 하나를 선택해야 함

Which do you like better, the red or the blue one?

빨간 것과 파란 것 중에 어느 쪽을 좋아합니까?

Which do you like better, spring or fall?       

봄하고 가을 중에 어느 것을 더 좋아하십니까?

Which do you speak better, English or French?  영어하고분란서와 어느 것을 더 잘 합니다까?

Which does he play better, tennis or racquetball? 

테니스와 라켓볼 중에 어느 쪽을 더 잘 합니까?

78     Why not....?  “... 하지 그래요?” 라고 제안하는 표현

Why not give her a call?       그녀에게 전화해보는 것이 어때요?

Why not give it a try?         시도해 보는 것이 어때요?

Why not give it a chance?     한번 기회를 주는 것이 어때요?

Why not give yourself more time?     좀더 시간을 들이는 것이 어때요?

79.     What if....?  “....하면 어떨까?”  가정적인 지문을 통해서 상대방의 의사를 묻는 표현

What if we put this table next to the chair     테이블을 의자 옆에 놓으면 어떨까요?

What if we get rid of this old desk?   이 낡은 책상을 치우면 어떨까요?

What if we take an earlier bus?         좀더 이른 버스를 타면 어떨까요?

80.     What else...  “그 밖에 무엇이...” 라고 물을 때

What else happened?   그 밖에 무슨 일이 있었지요?

what else is now?     그 밖에 무엇이 새롭지요?

what else is there?    그 밖에 무엇이 있지요?

what else is available? 그 밖에 무엇을 사용할 수 있나요?

81.     What makes you....?  “어째서 당신은 ...합니까?”  라는 원인을 묻는 말

What makes you so sure?      어째서 그런 확신을 갖고 있지요?

What makes you so sure about that?   어째서 그것세 대해서 그런 자신을 갖고 있습니까?

What makes you so positive?  어째서 그렇게 자신을 갖고 있습니까?

What makes you so cheerful?  어째서 그렇게 즐겁습니까?

82.     What~ is......  “~하는 것은 ... 이다” 라고 할 때

What you need is a nice long vacation. 

당신에게 필요한 것은 여유 있게 지낼 수 있는 긴 휴가입니다

What you need is more information.    당신에게 필요한 것은 좀 더 많은 양의 정보이다

What you need is better management.  네게 필요한 것은 좀 더 좋은 경영진이다

What you need is a good hot bath.     네게 필요한 것은 따뜻한 목욕이다.

83.     Whatever.... “....하는 무엇이든지” 라는 표현

Whatever you decide is OK with me.   어떻게 결정 생각하든지 최고입니다

Whatever you think is best?   당신이 무엇을 생각하든지 최고입니다

Whatever you 애 is all right with me.  당신이 무엇을 하든지 나는 좋습니다.

Whatever you want to do is OK with me. 

당신이 하고 싶은 것이 무엇이든지 저는 좋습니다.

84.     Whenever... “할 때는 언제라도” 라는 표현

Whenever you want to go is fine with me.     당신이 언제 가고 깊던지 나는 좋습니다.

Whenever you come is OK with me.   당신이 언제 오든지 나는 좋습니다.

Whenever he wants to meet is all right with me.      

그가 만나고 싶을 때가 언제든지 나는 좋습니다.

Whenever you did it would be fine with me.   당신이 언제 했던지 나는 좋습니다.

85.     When....  “...했을 때”  특정한 시점을 말할 때 사용하는 표현

When I was a child, things were different.     내가 어렸을 때는 사정이 달랐다.

When I was in Spain, the weather was great.  내가 스페인에 있었을 때 일기는 좋았다

When my mother was young, she lived in Ohio. 엄마는 젊었을 때 오하이오 주에 살았다

When he was in high school, he was one heck of an athlete.  

그가 고등학생 이었을 때 굉장한 운동 선수였다

86.     No matter.... “아무리 ...해도”

No matter how hard I study, I don't seem to improve.

아무리 열심히 공부를 해도 향상이 되지 않는 것 같다

No matter how hard I work, it's never appreciated.

아무리 열심히 일을 해도 전혀 인정을 받지 못한다

No matter how late she goes to bed, she's always up early the next morning.

아무리 늦게 잠자리에 들어도 그녀는 다음날 아침에 일찍 일어난다.

No matter how much I feed the dog, he still wants more.

개에게 아무리 많이 먹여도 그 개는 더 먹기를 원한다.

87.     While... “...하는 동안에”  라는 기간을 표현하는 말

While you were out, Bill stopped by.   당신이 외출 했을 때 빌이 들렀었다

While I was working on the computer, there was a power failure.

내가 컴퓨터로 일을 하고 있는 동안에 정전이 있었다.

While she was a student in England, she met her future husband.

그녀가 영국에서 학생으로 있는 동안 그녀는 그녀의 장래의 남편을 만났다

While they were away on vacation, someone broke into the house.

그들이 휴가로 집을 비웠을 때, 누군가가 집에 침입을 했다

88.     If.... “만일...한다면”  어떤 상황을 가정해서 말할 때

If it rains, we'll just have to reschedule it.     만일 비가 오면 계획을 다시 세워야 한다.

If you get lost, just give us a call.     만일 길을 잃어버리면 우리에게 전화해 주세요.

If she doesn't come soon, we'll just have to leave without her.

만일 그녀가 곧 오지 않으면 우리는 그녀를 빼 놓고 출발해야한다

If you really want to improve, you'll have to practice more.

당신이 항상 하기를 진심으로 원하면 좀더 많은 연습을 해야 한다

89.     Even if... “비록.. 할지라도” 라는 양보의 뜻을 나타낼 때

Even if it rains, we're still going.      설령 비가와도 그래도 우리는 간다.

Even if we rush, we're still going to miss the beginning.       

설령 서두르더라도 우리들은 시작 부분을 놓치고 말 것이다

Even if I wash this, I don't think it'll get clean.

설령 이것을 빨더라도 나는 이것이 깨끗해지지 않을 것으로 생각 한다

Even if we work overtime, we still won't get it done today.

우리들이 설령 야근을 하더라고 그것은 오늘 중에 끝나지 않을 것이다

90.     The best ~ is ....  “가장 좋은 ~은...이다” 라는 선호를 나타낼 때

The best day for me is Thursday.     내게 가장 좋은날은 목요일입니다

The best man for the job is Todd.     그 업무의 최 적임자는 Todd 이다

The best medicine for a cold is plenty of rest. 감기에 가장 좋은 약은 푹 쉬는 것이다.

The best place for ribs is Buffalo Bill's.       갈비를 잘 하는곳은 버팔로 빌즈이다

91.     So~that.... “너무~해서..하다”  원인과 결과를 나타내는 표현

He was so happy that he bought everybody a drink.   

그는 너무 기분이 좋아서 모두에게 음료수를 샀다.

He was so angry that he threw the book at her.       

그는 너무 화가 나서 그 책을 그녀에게 던졌다

Dad was so excited that he forgot to call Mom and tell the good news.

아버지는 너무 흥분한 나머지 엄마에게 전화해서 그 기쁜 소식을 전하는 것을 잊으셨다

I was so tired that I almost fell asleep at the wheel.   

나는 너무 피곤해서 하마터면 졸음운전을 할 뻔 했다

92.     too ~ to .....  “너무 ~하기 때문에 .... 할 수 없다”

He is too small to play football.         그는 너무 작아서 축구에는 적합하지 않다

She' too young to be seeing that kind of movie.       

그녀는 너무 어려서 그런 영화를 볼 수 없다

He's too sick to make it to the conference.    그는 너무 아파서 회의에 참석치 못했다

They're too busy to help us with it right now. 

그들은 너무 바빠서 우리를 당장 도와줄 수 없다

93.     as ~ as ... “와 같은 정도의” 라는 비교를 나타낼 때

She's as quiet as a mouse.     그녀는 정말 조용하다

He's as big as a house. 그는 정말 크다

Bill is every hit as capable as Jack.    빌은 어느 모로 보나 잭만큼 유능하다

You've been as busy as a bee lately.  당신은 요즘 무척 바쁘시군요.

94.     It's (It is)~to... “~하는 것은 ... 이다.”

It's safer to send checks by registered mail.   수표는 등기로 보내는 것이 더 안전하다

It's faster and easier to send it by fax. 팩스로 보내는 것이 더 빠르다

It's not so easy to do. 행동 하는 것은 그리 쉽지 않다

It's not so hard to get in touch with him in the evening.

밤에 그에게 연락 하는 것은 그리 어렵지 않다

95.     It's (It is) ~but... “그것은 .. 이다 그러나...”

It's true, but I still cant' believe it.     그것은 사실이지만 나는 아직 믿을 수가 없다

It's nice, but i'm afraid it's a little too expensive.  그것은 좋지만 좀 비싼 것 같습니다

It's free, but there must be some strings attached.     

그것은 무료이지만 뭔가 부대조건이 있을 것이다

It's pretty good, but I think you can do better. 상당히 잘 했는데, 나는 네가 더 잘 할 수 있으리라고 생각 한다

96.     Not only ~ but also...  “A 뿐만 아니라 B 도 역시”

Not only the city but the surrounding suburbs experienced flooding.

그 도시 뿐만 아니라 근교도 홍수를 만났다

Not only Maria but Juan also came from Costa Rica.

마리아 뿐 아니라 후안도 코스타리카에서 왔다

Not only mathematics but English is a required subject too. 

수학뿐만 아니라 영어도 필수 과목이다

Not only you, everybody in the building has to vacate temporarily.

너뿐만 아니라 그 빌딩 안에 있는 모든 사람들이 일시적으로 피난하지 않으면 안 된다

97.     All~ is.... “~하는 모든 것은... 이다” 라는 상황을 나타내는 표현

All you can do now is wait.    지금 당신이 할 수 있는 일은 기다리는 것뿐이다

All I can think about is my upcoming vacation.  내가 생각할 수 있는 것은 다가오는 휴가에 대한 것뿐이다

All we can do now is just sit and wait. 

지금 우리가 할 수 있는 일은 그저 앉아서 기다리는 것뿐이다

All I did yesterday was lie around and watch TV.      

어제 내가 한일은 빈둥빈둥 TV를 본 것뿐이다

98.     The more ~ , the more.... “~하면 할수록, .... 하다”  비교 강조할 때

The more I think about it, the more confused I get.

그것에 대해서 생각 하면 할수록 혼란스러워 진다

The more you think about it, the more nervous you've going to get.

그것에 대해서 생각하면 할수록 너는 점점 초조해진다

The more he tried to explain, the more suspicious she got.

그가 설명하면 할수록, 그녀는 더욱 더 수상히 여겼다

The more she drank, the more talkative she became

마시면 마실수록 그녀는 말이 많아졌다

99.     Now that....  “자, 이제는 ...” 라는 식의 시간에 경과에 따른 결과를 표현할 때

Now that all my children have grown up, I have a lot of free time

지금은 아이들이 모두 컸기 때문에 남는 시간이 많아요.

Now that everyone's here, why don't we start?        

자 이제는 모두 모이신 것 같으니 시작할까요?

Now that Tom has graduated, he'll be working for a trading company

이제는 탐도 학교를 졸업했으니 상사에서 일을 할 것이다

Now that you've quit your job, what are you going go do next?

자, 이제 회사를 그만 두었으니 다음에는 무엇을 할 생각입니까?





0.      Once...  “일단... 하면” 라는 표현을 할 때

Once you lose someone's trust, it's really hard to get it back

일단신용을 잃으면 만회하기가 정말 힘들다

Once he makes up his mind to do something, he does it.

일단 한다고 하면 그는 한다.

Once you open that window, you'll never be able to close it.

일단 그 창문을 열면, 두 번 다시 닫을 수 없게 된다.

Once I start eating potato chips, it's hard for me to stop

일단 포테이토칩을 먹기 시작하면 좀처럼 멈출 수가 없다



유용한 정보였다면 덧글을 달아주세요^^

네이버 외국어/교육  1위 영어 짱!!                   

자료퍼가실땐 이 푯말과 함께~~

'It's my study ^^ 과연 > It's English' 카테고리의 다른 글

2008.1.18 표현  (0) 2008.01.08
오늘의표현  (0) 2008.01.07
명령문  (0) 2008.01.03
이유를 묻는 몇가지 방법  (0) 2008.01.02

명령문, and/or ~의 구문

(1) 명령문, and ~ (... 해라, 그러면 ~)

• Start now, and you will catch the bus. (지금 출발해라, 그러면 버스를 탈 수 있을 거다.)

• Come over here, and you will hear the sound. (이쪽으로 오시오, 그러면 그 소리를 듣게 될 것이다.)

(2) 명령문, or ~ (... 해라, 그러치 않으면 ~)

• Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school. (서두르세요, 안 그러면 학교에 늦을 겁니다.)

• Work hard, or you’ll fail in the exam. (열심히 공부하세요, 안 그러면 시험에 낙제할 겁니다.)

「A명령문, and/or ~」의 if 조건문으로의 전환「명령문, and ~」는 if 조건문으로 바꿀 수 있고, 「명령문, or ~」는 if ... not이나 unless 조건문으로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다.

• Start now, and you will catch the bus. (지금 출발하세요. 그러면 버스를 타게 될 겁니다.)→ If you start now, you will catch the bus.

• Start now, or you will miss the bus. (지금 출발하세요. 안그러면 버스를 놓칠 겁니다.)→ If you don’t start now, you will miss the bus. → Unless you start now, you will miss the bus.

'It's my study ^^ 과연 > It's English' 카테고리의 다른 글

2008.1.18 표현  (0) 2008.01.08
오늘의표현  (0) 2008.01.07
회화를 하기위한 필수100가지 표현  (0) 2008.01.07
이유를 묻는 몇가지 방법  (0) 2008.01.02
Why do you think so?
What makes you think so?
How come you think so?

주의 : How come ~ ? 의 구문에서 how come 다음에는 평서문 어순으로 주어와 동사가 뒤따른다.
주의 : Why don't you는 의문문이 아니라 권유의 표현이다.

'It's my study ^^ 과연 > It's English' 카테고리의 다른 글

2008.1.18 표현  (0) 2008.01.08
오늘의표현  (0) 2008.01.07
회화를 하기위한 필수100가지 표현  (0) 2008.01.07
명령문  (0) 2008.01.03
함수 포인터나 복잡한 선언이 나올 경우 당황하지 않기 위해 쉽게 읽는 법에 대해 다루겠습니다.

일단 가장 먼저 다음 세 개 목록을 외우시기 바랍니다:

연산자 읽는 법 주의사항
* a pointer to
(...) a function(...) returning 여기서 "..."는 인자 목록(parameter list)임
[N] array[N] of 여기서 N은 배열 크기를 나타냄

복잡한 선언을 읽는 방법은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 이름(identifier)이 있는 곳부터 차례대로 읽는다.
  • 읽는 순서는 연산자 결합 순위가 높은 것부터 읽는?

위 표에 나온 연산자는 "읽는 법"에 따라 읽되, 위 표의 괄호는 함수 선언을 위한 것입니다. 연산자 우선 순위를 변경하기 위한 괄호는 읽지 않습니다.

예를 들어 아래 선언을 읽어 봅시다:

int *a;

먼저 이름을 찾아야 합니다. 위 선언에서 "a"가 이름이니까, "a"부터 읽어나가면 됩니다. a에서 가장 먼저 결합하는 기호는 "*"입니다. 따라서 위의 표를 참고로 하여 읽으면 다음과 같습니다:

a = a pointer to ...

그럼 이제 나머지는 "int"이므로 그냥 읽습니다:

a = a pointer to int

즉 "a"는 int를 가리키는 포인터 타입입니다.

좀 더 어려운 예를 들어봅시다.

int *(*foo)(int, int);

위 예에서 이름은 "foo"이므로, foo에서부터 읽어 나가면 됩니다. 가장 먼저 결합하는 것은 "foo"와 함께 괄호 안에 있는 "*"입니다. 차례대로 읽는 것을 표로 나타내면 다음과 같습니다 (현재 읽고 있는 부분은 @...@ 사이의 부분입니다):

 int  * (@*foo@)(int, int) ; foo - a pointer to ...
 int  *@( *foo )(int, int)@; foo - a pointer to a function(int, int) returning ...
 int @* ( *foo )(int, int)@; foo - a pointer to a function(int, int) returning a pointer to ...
@int  * ( *foo )(int, int)@; foo - a pointer to a function(int, int) returning a pointer to int.

즉 우리말로 읽자면, "foo"는 "int를 가리키는 포인터를 리턴하는 함수 (인자는 두 개의 int)를 가리키는 포인터"라 할 수 있습니다.

흔히 typedef를 써서 위와 같은 함수 포인터를 다른 이름으로 정의합니다:

typedef int (*proc_t)(const void *);

이 경우, "typedef"를 빼고 읽으면 됩니다. 즉,

proc_t a pointer to function(const void *) returning int.

물론 "typedef"를 썼으므로 이는 변수 선언이 아니라, 새로운 타입을 정의한 것이죠.

마지막으로 주의할 것은, 함수 인자에 이름이 있을 경우, 어떤 것이 기준이 되는 이름인지 잘 알고 읽어야 합니다. 예를 들어:

int (*proc_t)(int type, const void *data);

여기서 기준이 되는 이름은 "type", "data"가 아닌 "proc_t"입니다. 따라서 proc_t를 해석할 때에는 "type"이나 "data"에 신경쓸 필요는 없습니다.

proc_t a pointer to function(int type, const void *data) returning int.

int (*ap)[30]
  int   (@*ap@)[30] ; ap - a pointer to ...
  int  @( *ap )[30]@; ap - a pointer to array[30] of
 @int   ( *ap )[30]@; ap - a pointer to array[30] of int

int *ap[30] (pointer arrays)
  int   *@ap[30]@ ; ap - an array[30] of ...
  int   @*ap[30]@ ; ap - an array[30] of a pointer to ...
  @int   *ap[30]@ ; ap - an array[30] of a pointer to int

void (*(*signal)(int,void(*)(int)))(int);
  void ( * (@*signal@)(int,void(*)(int)) )(int) ; signal - a pointer to ...
  void ( *@( *signal )(int,void(*)(int))@)(int) ; signal - a pointer to a function(int,void(*)(int)) returning ...
  void (@* ( *signal )(int,void(*)(int))@)(int) ; signal - a pointer to a function(int,void(*)(int)) returning a pointer to ...
  void@( * ( *signal )(int,void(*)(int)) )(int)@; signal - a pointer to a function(int,void(*)(int)) returning a pointer to a function(int) returning ...
 @void ( * ( *signal )(int,void(*)(int)) )(int)@; signal - a pointer to a function(int,void(*)(int)) returning a pointer to a function(int) returning void.

cf. Chapter 5.12 Complicated Declaration from K&R 2nd Ed.
  • int *f() /* f: function returning pointer to int */
  • int (*pf)() /* pf: pointer to function returning int */
  • char **argv /* argv: pointer to pointer to char */
  • int (*daytab)[13] /* daytab: pointer to array[13] of int */
  • int *daytab[13] /* daytab: array[13] of pointer to int */
  • void *comp() /* comp: function returning pointer to void */
  • void (*comp)() /* comp: pointer to function returning void */
  • char (*(*x())[])() /* x: function returning pointer to array[] of pointer to function returning char */
  • char (*(*x[3])())[5] /* x: array[3] of pointer to function returning pointer to array[5] of char */

'It's my study ^^ 과연' 카테고리의 다른 글

Love actually  (0) 2008.04.08
Big endian vs Little endian  (0) 2007.12.21
파일객체와 파일지시자 비교  (0) 2007.12.21
open, fopen의 차이점  (0) 2007.12.18
hard link와 symbolic link  (0) 2007.12.18

컴퓨터에서 데이터를 메모리에 저장하는 방식은 '워드(보통 1바이트) 단위의 순서'로서 구분하는 두 방식이 있다. 리틀엔디안과 빅엔디안이 바로 그것이다.

빅엔디안 방식은 흔히 우리가 생각하는 방식이다. 예를 들면 4바이트 integer 값 0x01020304 가 메모리에 저장될때 낮은 메모리주소에 높은 자리수의 값을 저장하는 방식이다. 즉, 그 값이 저장된 임의의 메모리주소의 시작주소를 1000이라 할때 1000번지에 0x01, 1001번지에 0x02.. 이런식으로 저장된다.

리틀엔디안 방식은 인텔 0x86계열에서 사용된다고 알려졌으며 우리의 생각과는 반대의 순서로 저장된다. 낮은 메모리주소에 낮은 자리수의 값을 저장한다. 이는 CPU입장에선 메모리 주소가 높아질 수록 높은 자리수의 데이터가 들어있어 당연하게 보이지만 프로그래머 입장에선 다소 햇갈리게 되어있다.

'It's my study ^^ 과연' 카테고리의 다른 글

Love actually  (0) 2008.04.08
CLangauge Complex Declaration  (0) 2007.12.27
파일객체와 파일지시자 비교  (0) 2007.12.21
open, fopen의 차이점  (0) 2007.12.18
hard link와 symbolic link  (0) 2007.12.18

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